Dual-Boot XP and Linous for A110 (SSD)?

Discussion in 'Windows' started by Cyclone42, Sep 23, 2008.

  1. Cyclone42


    Sep 6, 2008
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    I have TinyXP on my A110 (the SSD model), and would now like to (re)install Linpus, dual-booting with XP. I installed XP to a 3G partition, so there is room for the Linpus partition. I took a look at the guide by mercado79, but that appears to be geared toward the A150 (the 120G HD version). Would it also work for the SSD model, as long as the partition is at least 3.98G? I wanted to make sure before I tried it. I have XP running very well, and don't want to have to start over.
    Cyclone42, Sep 23, 2008
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