Easier Multi-boot based on "mercado79" original idea

Discussion in 'Modding and Customization' started by ABSDoug, Aug 22, 2009.

  1. ABSDoug


    Sep 26, 2008
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    Tampa Bay
    I've stumbled on a MUCH easier way to do a triple boot.

    -http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ follow directions to make boot-able USB & choose "Parted Magic" (Clonzilla is also available WITH Parted Magic so you can back-up 1st!). This part is E-A-S-Y!

    -Then create a "Logical Partition". You need to do this because there will be more then 4 partitions in total. (I made 1 partition a data storage partition).

    -Then you go back into Windows XP & use the Linpus back-up mercado79 made with Macrium Reflect http://www.macrium.com/reflectfree.asp

    -To be clear, you are shrinking XP, create a Logical Partition then putting Linpus in the UN-PARTITIONED area with Macrium Reflect. Choose "Logical Partition" again in Reflect & do NOT replace the boot-loader.

    -Boot up Parted Magic again, shrink Linpus to whatever you feel is good, most people would keep it small, under 10 gigs.

    This is where it gets easier -- when I installed Ubuntu 9.04 Netbook Remix, (again in the UN-PARTITIONED AREA) Ubuntu recognized all three programs in it's boot-loader! So you just install Ubuntu, it will create a swap, partition the un-partitioned area & when you reboot, every OS option is available. Keep in mind there will be two MS options, the 1st is the recovery partition, the 2nd is Windows XP. You can go & edit /boot/grub/menu.lst to more accurately describe each OS choice.
    ABSDoug, Aug 22, 2009
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