Evolution Mail

Discussion in 'Linux' started by nootrak4, Sep 22, 2008.

  1. nootrak4


    Sep 18, 2008
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    I'm Super new to Linux but an Expert in Windows. I'm Lead tech in my company we have serveral Windows servers and we are trying to move everthing to Linux as it MS is starting to get very expensive. so we purchased 4 of this machines for the field tech and we need them to be able to check there mail from the road. We are still in the setup stage. They will get some training in the future but I as the lead tech need to get familiar with everything first as i will be to go to man. I'm haveing a problem when every i try to set up Evolition mail. I know this can only communicate with the OWA (Outlook Web Access) after i give it all my credential user name OWA address (https://mycompanysite.com/exhange) clicking on authenticate it prompts me for my password, i input the correct Password and i get a MSG "Could not find Exchange web storage system. If OWA is running on a different path, you must specify that in the account configuration dialog" so i try other address (https://mycompany.com/exchweb/bin/auth/ ... e&reason=0) i get a different MSG "Couldd not configure Exchange account because an unknown error occurred. Check the URL, username, and password, and try again" I have tried about 3 time (i dont try anymore because it will lock the test user im trying to use and notting. any idea. I hate looking for help. I have been looking for help for about 4 days not but everyone where i go they post like you are an expert in linux (ubuntu) and i don't understand. if anyone can explain to me what im doing in barney language (for someone that is learning and is not an Expert/pro). Thank you. My next thing is how to get mobile broadband working under linux.
    nootrak4, Sep 22, 2008
  2. nootrak4


    Aug 31, 2008
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    You might have better luck with this in the Ubuntu forums. You're asking for some sysadmin training, more or less.

    Without being rude, I would really suggest that your company think of hiring a consultant to teach you first--then you can teach the others. Without knowing your company's policies, I don't know if that's possible, but it's highly unreasonable to expect even the most expert Windows sysadmin to suddenly learn a new system, especially one where the documentation is often written by programmers for other programmers. To the uninitiated, Linux documentation can be obscure.

    I haven't used Evolution with MS Exchange. I imagine there are tutorials, but with something as mission critical as email, I would think that they would think of hiring a consultant, if only for a few hours--it will still be less expensive.

    I realize that isn't a specific answer, but I do think you'll have a better chance at getting an answer on the Ubuntu forums than you will here--not to denigrate anyone's knowledge here, but the Ubuntu forums are far larger and more active. I think you have a better shot at finding someone who might have actually done this--integrated Evolution with Exchange.
    scottro, Sep 22, 2008
  3. nootrak4


    Aug 21, 2008
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    I agree with scottro as you'll get a broader knowledge base to tap into. Don't forget to mention exactly what version of Exchange your company is using, as 2007 changed the interaction methods Evolution was using. There's a large chunk of code that is being (or has, I haven't kept close watch) rewritten for the Exchange connectivity part.
    yodersj, Sep 22, 2008
  4. nootrak4


    Sep 18, 2008
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    I just found out what my problem was. the problem was the / i wasn't putting at the end of the address. you have to write it out as https://yourdomain.com/exchange/. something so simply can stop an operation cold. well for anyone else having the same problem make sure to add that / at the end. command webmail is

    if running on Windows Server https://webmail.yourdomain.com/exchange/ (dont for get the / at the end)
    If Running Small Business Server https://yourdomain.com/exchange/ (dont for get the / at the end)

    Edit: we are using Small Business Server and Server 2003 Standard with Exchange 2003, We are currently testing exchange 07 and server 08 but we have not moved it into production. This is why we are looking into Linux.

    Thank for the suggestion, but they are so many few and in between that it make it hard. also we are a Support company. what we do is support clients with there Mac and PC on the residential level and Windows server/workstation on a commercial level. We are trying to move to Linux because of Cost to us (running ms server and there license gets expensive.) We would like to also get to know Linux as it seem like a good alternative then windows and some of our clients have been asking about Ubuntu. We started to look for Linux gurus, but all gurus that we found want to use red hat or SUSE Linux and we want to use ubuntu. Everyone else we found, thought we needed it setup and not someone to teach us, plus they want to charge a ridiculous amount of money. I wouldn't mind hiring someone to work for use, but i don't want to be dependent on one person to know the in's and out of my system. This will put us at there mercy. If somethings goes sour then you know where im heading (it has happen to me before with someone that had changed the password for the routers and didn't want to give it to use because we fired him for stealing something at one of our clients location and we dont want to be catch with are pants down again) Anyways thanks for the advice. I will have to keep on looking. I'm the super admin in the company. i set everything up from the bottom up. other reason why we would like to use ubuntu is because is very free and manufactures like Dell are starting to offer it as an alternative to MS. We can move away from windows a little (well we will never be able to fully move always from it) but Knowing Linux in general will help open an avenue of new revenue we could never tap into. We purchased 4 of this netbooks and we are tri-booting them just in case our techs needs to take care of any business that and need to be in windows. By the way this things work great i thought we where going to have a big problem with it working slow but to my surprise! they work pretty well even in Vista.

    We are not a big company. Are company is made up of 10 employees which 8 are technician, 1 dispatch and a receptionist/Administrator assistance/customer service and I'm the head. We just want to send them out with these new laptop, so they get familiar with the Ubuntu, have then get familiar with the os and learn how to do everything they do in windows in a Linux environment (i know everything i not going to work but most thing are the same). I don't expect our company to start supporting clients with Linux distros, but we will have some knowledge and will be able to support ourselves for the mean time (will do a gradual change. testing as we speak thing sin VM ware). I guess i will be hitting the ubuntu forums and look through all of there documents and start planning but thank you.
    nootrak4, Sep 22, 2008
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