EWF Windows Error Recovery...

Discussion in 'Windows' started by Synx, Feb 6, 2009.

  1. Synx


    Dec 10, 2008
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    I have removed bootstat.dat i have unselected the proper options under the my computer properties however i still cannot get this to stop coming up on EWF non commit reboots.

    Side note, i also cannot get the security warning on autostart items like twofingerscroll and the fan control to stop coming up no matter how many times i uncheck 'Always ask before opening this file' and i have dialed UAC as far down as it will go.
    Synx, Feb 6, 2009
  2. Synx


    Dec 10, 2008
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    Shortly after my post the system would only allow me to boot into recover mode, i have since completely reinstalled windows 7, i will report back if the problem continues.

    I also have a solution for the Open File Security problem. It seems the file unblocking is not working in windows 7 yet however reference this link. This will also require you to re download all affected files to remove the attributes after you apply the fix. http://ashish.vashisht.net/2008/07/anno ... ng-in.html
    Synx, Feb 6, 2009
  3. Synx


    Dec 10, 2008
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    Update, i am now suck in the recovery console loop EWF or not. Every time i do a fresh 7 install it will reboot a few times and then get stuck in the recovery console loop. No matter what boot option i select (boot windows as normal) it will keep going into the recovery console and cannot fix the error. I am at a loss on this.
    Synx, Feb 22, 2009
  4. Synx


    Sep 9, 2008
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    I have been putting up with 'windows did not properly shut down last time' since I installed Win7 and got EWF working. I don't really think there's a way around it. The only time it will go away is if you commit EWF before you shut down. But next time the machine boots, it will write some info to the SSD, then EWF will be started, and if you don't commit before the next shutdown Windows won't know if the shutdown was a success.

    So I can't really see how to get rid of the message. It wouldn't be as annoying if I could default to 'start windows normally', but if I turn the machine on and then walk away for a couple of minutes, it goes into the stupid recovery console automatically!
    furiousgibbon, Mar 4, 2009
  5. Synx


    Aug 3, 2009
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    sorry for my chunky english but I'm getting NUTZ on this... Looking for a way 'round this boot failure screen...
    My attempts so far:

    ---Avoided system-reserved partition creation during Win7 installation, thought could be the problem cause second partition wasn't EWF protected and maybe some internal timestamps differ...

    ---Used FBWF instead of EWF, cause it saves INSTANTLY to disk when you tell it to save the Overlay, not only when shutting down. Reboot shows "Windows did not properly shut down last time" instead of "Windows could not boot"...

    Tried to switch to alternative Bootloader... there are BCD related tools that allow to create a NTLDR Bootsector for Vista... But after several hours of trial & error I wasn't able to get it running...

    I tried to VLITE my WIN7-ISO to get rid of the "Startup Repair Tool", so maybe the default option on the error screen would change to "Standard Boot Windows" cause startup repair is not installed on HDD.
    On Vista you could choose to have it installed on HDD via downloadable Installer or you had to insert the Vista disc to start it.
    But i wasn't abe to find the part which has to be removed and, with the available Vlite versions, Win7 tends to bring up fatal errors during the Installation of altered ISOs

    Is there any chance to completely avoid the writing on disk even before EWF kicks in? Or maybe someone could locate the files that cause this Bootscreen to show up... maybe we could prevent writing on this files...


    Please someone share new Ideas or THE SOLUTION, cause beside this WIN7 on my AAO runs so perfect and i would love to upgrade my CF-Card driven Desktop-PC...
    Toastytwo, Aug 4, 2009
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