EWF working with Rons Tiny XP!

Discussion in 'Windows' started by davidbrown2, Aug 26, 2009.

  1. davidbrown2


    Sep 9, 2008
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    Hi all, i was digging around a little last night and stumbled upon the EWF thing that a lot of you guys on here seem to be talking about.

    I have read of a few problems with using EWF, but i tried using it on my AA1, and i have to say, it works brilliantly!

    I have created a rar file with all the files you need to get EWF working with Ron's TinyXP.

    DOWNLOAD IT FROM HERE: http://rapidshare.com/files/271529467/EWF.rar
    (couldn't attatch a file here for some strange reason)

    In the rar file are 4 .bat files. these are needed for shutdown, restart etc. You can put these .bat files in any location you wish, then create a shortcut to them on the desktop, and drag them down to the quick launch bar, but we'll do this later.

    Also in the rar file is the EWF.exe program which is needed to use EWF. To install it, simply start up the program, and at the command prompt, type "enable" and reboot your computer.


    Once you have rebooted, you should notice a difference, but when you reboot again (please don't do this right now) all your changes will have been lost, this is where the .bat files come in.

    Create shortcuts to the .bat files onto your desktop from wherever you put them and drag them wherever you want, i have placed my shortcuts in the quick launch bar.

    You can then use these batch files to shut down or reboot your computer while saving your changes.

    Also, included are the icon files i have used to customise the batch files icons, although you can use your own if you wish.

    Good luck if you try this, and remember, i am not responsible if this breaks your OS, backup all important data before doing this, as i cannot provide any guarantees that this will work :lol:

    EDIT: It's probably best to have 1.5 GB ram to do this, but you can try it with the stock 512mb if you wish, and if you do, report back to us with your results, I would like to know how well it fares :)

    bear in mind that if it doesn't fare too well, you can always uninstall it by going into EWF.exe and typing "remove" :D

    Good luck to you all!
    davidbrown2, Aug 26, 2009
  2. davidbrown2


    May 27, 2009
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    Ummm What is EWF?

    How do you get win updates with Ron's XP it's the only problem I have with the flavor due to opting to leave firefox on there rather than take up more HD space.

    Appreciate any help.

    cookoospite, Sep 5, 2009
  3. davidbrown2


    Sep 9, 2008
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    EWF is Enhanced Write Filter.

    Basically, it puts all files currently in use into RAM, which is a helluva lot faster than the inbuilt SSD.

    It essentially speeds up your system a lot.

    As for the updates thing, I have no idea, i prefer to leave mine off anyway, the operating system does everything i need it to right now, and, well... i'm not entirely sure M$ would agree with what we are doing here, ie: modifying their operating system, so they might get a little annoyed at you if they were to find out you were running a slightly illegal version of their operating system.

    Ever heard of WGA?

    That's the main reason I choose to leave mine off.

    Ask Ron for help on this one, he'll be able to help you more than i can.

    Good luck :D

    (also, i have changed the product key on my installation to a genuine one, making it slightly less illegal, i recommend you do the same ;) )
    davidbrown2, Sep 6, 2009
  4. davidbrown2


    May 27, 2009
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    erm no I don' t know what WGA is. Sorry kinda got a newbie on your hands David. Exactly what is illegal, the EWF or the doctored XP and there are thousands of product keys out there, is there some sort of genuine test that I haven't heard about? Hope you don't mind playing twenty questions with me.

    Thanks for the info,

    Cookoo :p
    cookoospite, Sep 10, 2009
  5. davidbrown2


    Sep 9, 2008
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    Hi there, sorry about the long reply time, i've been away from the internet for a while.

    The doctored Windows XP could be illegal if you didn't use your product key. You are using somebody elses product key, which in M$'s eyes is stealing. But, if you change your product key to one that you legally own, then you make that doctored copy of XP legally yours. WGA is essentially Microsoft's way of ensuring that the operating system you are using is a genuine legal copy, which it will be if you change the product key to one that you have purchased legally.

    There is nothing properly illegal about modifying an OS, because you have bought that OS, and it is yours to mess about with to your hearts content.

    I'm happy to answer any questions, but remember, ask google first! :D
    davidbrown2, Oct 12, 2009
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