Exporting Outlook Contacts to Acer Aspire One Linpus

Discussion in 'Linux' started by the_angry_monkey, Dec 29, 2008.

  1. the_angry_monkey


    Dec 26, 2008
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    A quick How to for exporting your contacts based on a spreadsheet I knocked up to do the job. Not exactly elegant but it does the job

    1. In Outlook export your contacts as normal to an excel file. For the purposes of my spreadsheet I have left spaces for: Title First Name Middle Name Last Name Business Street Business Street 2 Business City Business State Business Postal Code Business Country/Region Home Street Home Street 2 Home City Home State Home Postal Code Home Country/Region Business Phone Home Phone Mobile Phone E-mail Address E-mail 2 Address

    2. Check your exported file and correct any mistakes with tel numbers eg. 07555555555 usally turns into 7555555555 as Excel treats it like a number. There are plenty of ways to automate sorting this out. PM me if you are stuck

    3. Copy each of your columns into the appropriate column of the CONTACTS sheet of my Contacts2VCF spreadsheet. Do not edit "1HOME" "2WORK" "MobilePhone"
    they are required

    4. Now move over to the VCARD sheet - at the moment it will be set up to convert 100 entries, to increase this simlpy use the normal excel method - highlight ALL the data and then use the drag handle at the bottom right to copy the formulae to as many rows as needed.

    5. Now select all your converted data and select copy from the edit menu.

    6. Open Word and do a PASTE SPECIAL and choose unformated unicode text. Now remove the tabs and replace them with spaces. To do this select find and replace. In find type
    in replace type
    Replace all

    7. Finally copy your completed VCARD into notepad where you can save it as contacts.vcf

    8. Now simply import your vcard into your laptop. Voilla

    NB. Please feel free to modify this to add any more details required.
    the_angry_monkey, Dec 29, 2008
  2. the_angry_monkey


    Dec 2, 2008
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    The attachment does not exist anymore. Where can I find it now. Thanks
    wfrti, Feb 25, 2009
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