failing to update flash

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by creameggs, Oct 29, 2010.

  1. creameggs


    Oct 29, 2010
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    i struggle anytime anything needs to be downloaded onto my AA1 linux computer. eventually a computer literate friend managed to update my firefox but was not able to download the latest version of flash which my computer says needs to happen. i go to adobe site and go through a 20 ish min download then get this message.

    'you are attempting to run''system-install-packages' which require administrative privilages but more information is needed. in order to do so. authenticating as root
    password ???'

    can anyone shed any light? what password are they looking for?

    i have tried to follow the How to guides but cant find any mention of the above paragraph and request for password.
    x clueless
    creameggs, Oct 29, 2010
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