'Fake book' Finished Case Mod

Discussion in 'Modding and Customization' started by bloodlinewolf, May 27, 2009.

  1. bloodlinewolf


    May 27, 2009
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    Hey all,

    Was flipping through this forum not too long ago and had some ideas for a case mod for my white AO. After a few days of gathering materials and working I've finished ( short of a few final touch-ups ) my 'Aspire One in a Book' case. Since I seem to remember a similar question being asked somewhere in the threads here I figured I'd post it. Its probably about 95% done, unless I decide to really mod it up further, or change the look of the cover. Let me know what you think!

    The outside/top cover. In the beginning I was going for just a slight 'steampunk' sort of flare. Hence the title and the back 'wire frame' vent. (Few Visual Touch ups to do here, don't mind the thin strips of tape on the binding, they're being removed as they were guides for earlier parts. Hehe. )

    Part of the keyboard peeking out. The actually aspire one is adhered to the book frame with wide velcro placed in certain places on the case and book framing. ( Thinking of adding a lock/buckle along the open side. )

    Turned off. You can see part of the wire 'woven' grating in the bottom. ( Small visual touch ups to do here too. )

    Open, On, and using power cord etc. Because the 'gilded pages' are mounted to the top frame the side ports can all be easily accessed without removing the case.

    I also have some more pics of it in construction and such, but figured this was a good start. If anyone's interest though I'd gladly post them. If anyone has any questions about it feel free to ask as this was mostly done from-scratch.


    2 Cover boards from a larger book in ill-repair.
    'Loop-Bradleys' ( Craft supplies )
    Copper Wire
    Krylon 'Gold-Leafing' Pen
    Various leather scraps and cord
    Resin Letter Plates
    Black Acrylic Paint

    Box Cutter
    Leather Punch
    '0' Stencil
    2-Sided Tape
    bloodlinewolf, May 27, 2009
  2. bloodlinewolf


    Jan 30, 2009
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    I can't believe this is the first reply because I think this "mod" is awesome! I'll definitely try it some time.
    Neosword, May 29, 2009
  3. bloodlinewolf


    May 12, 2009
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    I like it!

    I'd love to see more pics of the construction etc, great fun, great idea!
    larrupin, May 29, 2009
  4. bloodlinewolf


    May 27, 2009
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    Chiming in again with some pics and notes. So it seems like the double-sided tape was a `yes and no`. it worked for some things, such as attaching the wide strip velcro to the aspire one, but not so much for the velcro added to the cover board casing. Curiously after trying a number of adhesives ( Krazy glue etc ) the thing that worked the best? Plain old white glue. Painted the velcro backs with a light coat, then fitted them all to the cover boards. For some added strength I used a 70% glue 30% solution to paint a `edge sealing` layer around the glued velcros sides. Sealing the edges to reduce `glue tearing` from the cover boards seems to have worked better. (So far at least). Also is now running CrashBangeee rather than easypeasy.

    Various supplies:

    Coverboards cut to make the case:

    The wire braid vent on the back board:

    Though I dont have the pictures of the velcro attachments at the moment, its something that the amount and placement would depend on the exact case in question. So that would propbably be a ``use your judgement`` matter. Hehe.
    bloodlinewolf, May 29, 2009
  5. bloodlinewolf


    Apr 22, 2009
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    this is very very cool.
    a notebook in a book.
    I have been thinking about doing something similar myself for a while.
    but comletely incasing it in a book, taking away the original Acer Aspire One shell.
    quangdx, Jun 8, 2009
  6. bloodlinewolf


    Apr 20, 2009
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    Earlier this evening i sketched out a case idea for my AAO that is very similar. The only difference is mine is going to be on a slight lift withe hinges so I can run a small fan underneath it( in the thicker part of the book obviously). Your case looks amazing btw. Once mine is done,hopefully within the week, I will gladly post pics. I love my lil workhorse.
    monkeyboi, Jun 9, 2009
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