(fake)images by the beast ai cgi staged edited and general shills thread

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Jan 20, 2024.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I keep seeing this all over and just wanted to put some thoughts down about the endemic fake video presented as real every day that people believe with almost no critical thinking applied. This IS DANGEROUS as then if you refuse to believe these lies you can be as bad as arrested and thrown in jail, disenfranchised and in some cases killed with impunity. I'll get into just some little things next.
    Hertzian56, Jan 20, 2024
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So first of all I'd like to say almost all exposers out there are just shills playing the other side and let me name of few of them.

    Mag Bitter Truth-this is a trannyman easy to see w the gym rat figure curviness. The major reason as far as the commentary is that "it all the gubament" which is code for rabble rousing and ultimately another marxist french revolution cry, which is actually what the jewmasontranny cult wants. It's been useful for them throughout history, take the Russian people as exhibit 1, the French people as 2, the English during the 1600s as 3, the Chinese people 4 and etc None of those revolutions and wars improved the lives of those people as a whole. It did benefit jews markedly, masons on the sly who got juicy roles and other cronies.

    It's not the "gubament" it's the jewmasontranny cult that has taken over every post in the government. If there were truly moral Christians in the gov or just fair minded decent people not subject to a cult control structure you'd have no problems with most forms of government being nefarious and actually targeting the independent middle class or any class really. We don't need a revolution we need a return to REAL moral society as in the LIGHT AGES which the jewmasontranny's call the Dark Ages in their fake history which is self serving tripe.

    But Mag doesn't say this because she's in the cult herself, a stress and tension control opposition agent, narrative control etc If she mentioned the cult and how it's grown to take over all major govs that is coordinating this at various levels for various goals fine, but nope it all "the gubament". So the conclusion is to solve the problem the gov needs to be overthrown, which is exactly what the cult wants. Bring in the overt JWO jUN troops, martial law declared, everyone registers at the local post office where there are armed military and Postal Employees. Blood, urine, mandatory implants and injections on site, etc

    I'm not going to go into joe rogan, alex jones, and similar higher profile sponsored controlled opposition agents, narrative control agents and such and their fake persecution etc stuff. Those should be obvious but sadly aren't to many.

    The old ones which started around the jfk staged show we got are all the same, especially the more famous ones with books and radio shows and such. I could go into any of the ones I bothered to listen to or research, bill cooper oni/demolay shill, fritz springmeier fake name guy, various obvious jews who are all the same, etc etc etc the list goes on and on. This is a movement created by the cult to control the opposition that would be real to the obvious nonsense and perversion going on for so long.

    Once you start trusting these shills then they slip in their own stuff. Let's take the FE guy who came out of nowhere supposedly, Eric Dubay. This sponsored controlled opp agent spreads new age occultism, really all fits under the Umbrella Corp called Freemasonry. So he spreads the belief system of those who perpetrated the deceptions he exposes? makes no sense. But they build a trust there to then slip in their deceptions. The same MO was followed by Bill Cooper, who was SPREADING occultism instead of exposing it. And he questioned St Paul as an infiltrator in one of his talks, thus was then doing the work of those he supposedly was exposing. The alien bullship was also one of his themes.

    On the trannycult front Mr E came out of nowhere also with a few steps above the rest quality, this doesn't just happen. Has an obscure background and location, gets mentioned by the MSM at one point. A narrative control agent. Controlled leak now that they are really seeking to come out and normalize their satanic belief system and also they're deliberately hiding it less today. And they've done the cross dressing ritual for decades now. Whole movies about it really, the Ahnoldina movie about the prego man in the 90s comes to mind. They are also having their cult doctors advertise the technology of trannyism they will allow public. These satanic temple prostitutes are so confident they are in your face more and more.

    The kabbalistic oroboros is in effect here or the sun tzu axiom, to know your enemy you must become your enemy. A dialectic, however fake or working backward from your objective, must be set up and it's done on micro and macro levels which are usually gradualistic most of the time. Then the regular people will think it was all genuine and won't bother to challenge the validity or factuality of what happened. This is tremendously magnified by video, photos and audio which can and is faked , edited, staged and falsely framed where deemed useful.
    Hertzian56, Jan 20, 2024
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    And you will notice that so called "real" video is usually grainy, indistinct, obscured and oddly timed. In most cases there are obvious wipes and cuts and such which only aides the falsifiers. That shouldn't fly nowadays but still does somehow because of the conditioning we've all had. I certainly recommend looking up the September Clues video that shows some of these tricks used on 911. I'm not prepared to say that's not also a controlled opp agent either. You'll never be disappointed if you don't hold onto this stuff or any particular exposer as "the truth".

    Today I can't count how much video supposedly taken w phones and such are so obviously faked edited and has cgi-ai generated content it's sickening. These top videos to fascinate are largely all fake, edited etc
    Hertzian56, Jan 20, 2024
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    We've had this sort of false framing, editing, staged nonsense, and other tricks since at least before ww2, I'd say as long as "news" was more than just local talk and made into a business to sell and such it's been that way. The rise of the moving image greatly helped this and it accelerated tremendously since the TV was made affordable for regular people in the 40s and 50s. The great voice magna vox of satan.

    The falsely framed images of ww2 itself including the "camps" which were just footage of prisoners who had typhus, cholera and were starved due to the "good guys" not letting red cross supplies through and the total war resources used due to that scum Churchill and his unconditional surrender or annihilation dictat. The british scum who gave the Bearded V,enus hand sign of the cult which is so endemic today. The war crimes of carpet bombing presented as heroism is disgusting also. The crypto jew Eisenhower war criminal and his superiors in the hierarchy who then gave half of europe to their fellow jew Stalin for dechristianization, exploitation and such. And the nazis are the most overt form of judaism ever seen, just change hebrew to aryan/german and you've got the same ideology.

    Even things like the fake nuke videos which were just miniatures presented as real. These cultist scum just order it up as needed and know that the majority will believe their word which they sneeringly proclaim in private. They are androgyne gods whose word makes reality. Some exaggerated sunrise or sunset blended videos presented as hydrogen bombs, fakery. You also have the fact that carpet bombing was used on tokyo and on the supposed atom bombed nagasaki and hiroshima also. This was just some fake camera footage taken somewhere else or edited to look like something it wasn't. The supposed 100 years of raditaion ended up with both cities rebuilt within a decade and fully running. Those who died likely died from phosphorous and huge fires like dresden and other cvilian areas. The supposed radiation burns were really just burns. And that amount of ordinance dropped also can induce radiation in large amounts, nothing to do w some nebulous concept of nuclear radiation.

    I mean I can go through all the major video of the 20th century and beyond and see that it's just hoaxed up stuff. I won't bother to give attention to supposed assassinations of tranny elite members, golfing on the moon, and all the other major bullship. Not at this point anyways lol
    Hertzian56, Jan 20, 2024
  5. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Usually a simple crosscheck will debunk a few of these internet big exposers.
    Mag Bitter youtube channel 7k subs, Bitchute channel 40k. Nope doesn't add up there does it. One has tens of millions per day usage, the other is obscure british based video site, so you're saying he gets over 5x more subs there? Nope.

    As I've said these big video sites are all owned by the big combines and they add or subtract subs, views as needed with a stroke of a key, there's no reality to them at all. And in the bitchute mag channel has had comments disabled for a long time, another sign of a shill. The other side is a shill that never responds to comments and allows all comments, it's an all or nothing and in some they delete comments and block people immediately that are not on message so you get a warped idea of the support and such of these shills. AI comments are also endemic today. If it fits the agenda it's plastered everywhere, it's given millions of views, thousands millions of subs, adulation comments etc

    Reddit is a classic russian jew google product that is rife with AI comments for public opinion shaping. And the mods are aggressive about enforcing only neutral or positive most of the time OR controlled negativity. You'll see it most aggressively in British based media which is downright orwellian dystopian for a long time. That applies to australia, canada and all the major commonwealth countries. The Daily Mail is a jewmasontranny rag that will ban you for pointing out the obvious like men in wigs and the fakery of the imagery and such. On the other end we have the Jew York Post, which mostly allows all comments, see its the same as the individual shills. One or the other all open or all shut. Although when I used the JYP site they did play games at times by hiding comments if you went back later on a different browser or ip certain comments had been wiped.
    Hertzian56, Jan 20, 2024
  6. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Here's a simple example of similar type of thing that if you didn't know this was a videogame many people could think this is real. It's a reshade for cp77 that adds the grainyines, chromatic aberration and such seen in 70s-80s vhs era.

    Notice the typical body cam like vignetting which they are making a couple of games that use this in ue5 which at first look viable as real. Unrecord is one of them and add in the proper "grain" and muddiness painting like stuff, which we see in the George Floyd, GF, 76, as above so below, body cam footage which was heavily edited, cgi, and such then it was broadcast to start the show and bring in the clowns who get swept up in it.

    Last edited: Jan 21, 2024
    Hertzian56, Jan 21, 2024
  7. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Doesn't that videogame trailer look like some of these bodycam footage shown on tv?

    Just more clear and sharp then the "real thing" shown on tv. We also saw this sort of thing in the various gun events that serve the political purposes of the jewmasontranny cult. It's also fairly shocking to see some of the 3rd party recorded and saved footage of 911, which was during at least the dvd era of 480p and tv cameras are always ahead of the curve, they look very grainy and muddy which is much easier to manipulate and such.
    Hertzian56, Jan 21, 2024
  8. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    If you follow certain sites that have video accounts in bitchute or yt you can see the "via storyful" on some of them. If you research storyful they openly say they're an intelligence and social media verification of stories site. So really to decode they create fake news using fake "real" stuff caught by people on their cellphones and also the garbage posted on social media.

    These typical stories are junk stuff to fill up accounts and for views and such like meteors or accidents or other stuff that's celeb etc feel good garbage. If you watch them closely though you can see they're edited together and layered video to make up stories for eyeballs. Stories that have no links to the original footage and such just lifted from places or whole cloth fake video. Disturbingly a lot of it is from city and state govs about police activity and such. Why any gov awash in other peoples money needs to send their footage to storyful for distro is very strange. It essentially means that we get fake news that's manipulated over many layers.

    Lots of frankly cgi is used. When you see very fast odd body movements, cuts, grainyness, blocking the view at critical times etc you'll see the liars at work. This was used in the jewzapruder fake film where the limo went behind a big sign that blocked it out so tricks could be played. That is analyzed in the How TV fakes images video you can find on archive.org. Another aspect there not analyzed is the long play version of this fake video has a sudden pop in of the limo when it rounds the corner indicating there were cuts to the film which were not possible that fast with equipment of that time and can only be the result of editing and even splicing of footage taken at a different place and time with a whole real life mockup of the whole scene. Easy to do for intl mafioso with access to most of the earths surface for such things.

    Sites that have trending or top 10 daily usually feature cgi edited ai videos of things that don't happen in real life but are very good at attracting views and such. Any trending etc is sponsored by the site and thus is given views and such by the site that hosts it. It's a liars world.
    Hertzian56, Jan 24, 2024
  9. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Another aspect of this is the so called exposers who spread the problem around. Example is the constant over coverage of Taylor Swift, the ladyboy weirdo. Even the major tranny cult exposer, and sadly shill, MrE excessively covers this one, thus spreading it around just from the "below" part of as above so below. Exposing the extensive control of all govs, media, etc by this jewmasontranny cult is used as a weapon by the same cult. It's for both normalizing it AND for inducing mental illness in those who know how sick this all is. No one's saying disclosure is a good thing but at this point in history these satanists feel very secure and thus are disclosing and normalizing themselves, but it's always a multiplexed thing and these cultists can do no truly good things, God is expert at bringing good out of evil but evil certainly doesn't intend it.

    From the cults angle the problem goes away once it's normalized within society. So what if they get exposed if the overall society herd enforces the "no big deal" go with the flow thing. The leading public ones will always pretend to be the gender they look like to most people, that's actually MORE satanic due to the deception involved and thus they are completely sold out to satan even more so then the public ones who claim and look like androgyne "gods". These androgynes are usually just younger "its" of the cult itself but there will be a percentage of normal people that will fall into this filth to be "cool" and such. Things like drug use and homosexuality followed the same path, on the kabbalistic yellow brick road path to the transhumanism goal and extinction of the natural mankind created by God. So these satanists get their reward from satan and his 33% demons in this world. God really allows people freedom and to choose what they want, no one will have any ground to stand on if they live past childhood when Judged. There is def a "standard deduction" for parents, place and time, and such but there is also a full adult judged over that timeline on a personal level. Making mistakes, ignorance and errors is normal but there is beyond that that must be answered for.

    Similar to shills like bill cooper, springmeier and such they spread the occultism for normalization of it and the percentage of simple minded who will be attracted to it by its false but alluring logic and the success of its practitioners in the public sphere. These shills always have their own version of perversion to spread as well, perverted beliefs that are then given a leg up by followers due to the trust gained by exposing various forms of satanism. Dubay does this with the hindu-occultic garbage he spreads, magbitter is the rabble rouser aspect of "it da gubment" so therefore the conclusion is to destroy the gov a la marxist revolutionary activity. The cult has used that for centuries and it serves them well. A major part of their strength, besides aid from the fallen angels, is their tradition and their long term goals which they have no problem taking centuries to achieve. We're just coming to a pinnacle of those centuries of subversive work now.

    Look, the truth is most people are serfs, always will be. Meaning they are most concerned with daily things and within the timeframe of their own lifetimes, this is normal and fine nothing wrong with it. They don't live with the need to have more than the average amount of wealth to decently sustain themselves in modest form in line with the times they live in. Jewmasontrannys don't have that mentality. Theirs is grabbing the brass ring and skys the limit to their wealth and legacy. They yearn to have some building or ship or something named after them, some living after death in the memories and admiration of generations. This is satanic if it's sought after because usually that means anything goes type of action, moral less pragmatism. Whereas Holy fame of the Saints was mostly due to the self sacrifice and dedication to God, not building some awful empire of greed, lust and power. Fame was more about holy merit and not seeking it, it was a natural thing and reverence for sanctity, not for some conquest or empire building.

    As I said it's not a slander or slur to say most people are serfs and thus the times when serfdom was a real and apparent thing were more REAL then other times. Serfs are not slaves. And even when slavery was open and apparent it was better than today where we are debt slaves, slaves to artificial habits like alcohol, tobacco, tv, games and such. The african slaves in the south had a mostly peaceful life, they were looked after by their owners as it was in their interest to have healthy slaves to do more and better quality work. The slave just had to go to work and have some leisure and rest, everything else was provided by the owner, housing, food, clothing, period medical care and such. However they could be separated from family when sold which would be awful. Serfs in the middle ages didn't have this problem, their largest problem was being tied to the land they were born on and the inevitable bad seasons here or there vs. the taxation in food etc to the local lord. However the jewish british tourism industry was not present in those times so they likely didn't suffer mental pain from no vacations and such, just normal daily leisure and Holy Days leisure time.

    It's not necessary to travel extensively to be happy and content and it's also much cheaper not to as well, the modern tourism industry is a blight and many previously tranquil and beautiful places are destroyed with overrun visitors and such. And this is even sought after by greedy local and state govs making life worse for the local community because of some mythical economic benefits. These are usually eaten up by congestion, rising prices for visitors that locals also have to pay, crime that comes along with the hedonism of it all, infrastructure that needs more repairs at costly prices and such. It's no benefit really but actually a detriment. The reason is that the city councils, pols etc all get a peice of the action through rising salaries, rising city fees for everything, rising taxation for the infra work and such and the inevitable kickbacks, bribes, crony favors, proxy sweetheart construction contracts with ties to these official and etc
    Hertzian56, Feb 5, 2024
  10. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    The jewmasontranny cults real goal is the corruption and subversion of humanity. And since there will always be a sizable proportion of those who will resist this, the goal is the elimination of this group as much as possible. You do this by either killing them outright but through subtle means. Inversion. Doctors actually make people ill, food is poisoned denatured, pumped with hormones and toxics, wars, disease invented and natural ones helped with medical ignorance and false science scientism, vaxx toxics and such.

    The other way is in tandem, fertility is brought to minimal levels the natural way. So thus a cult grows fastest by training children in it, they know no other environment or way. So as people have less children and succeeding generations are denatured and enfeebled then the OVERpopulation SCAM will then flip into UNDERpopulation. These jewmasonictranny controlled govs will then step in to alleviate the problem the cult itself created by having ectogenesis centers out in the open. They will take dna samples from "approved" parents and if they can pay up enough will be allowed ONE or maybe TWO children at the most by license. They must be state-god approved to even be considered for a child.

    So then these centers will take care of breeding children in artificial wombs, then likely 11 months later the child will be delivered to the donor-parents. What won't be shown will be the color coded, pavlovian, occult training aka mkultra monarch mind control the children will receive by the cult who is in charge of all this. Children in the womb can hear, feel and in the case of a transparent fake womb, see what is outside of it. A captive audience. So these children will be chipped up of course, likely dna manip will happen for intelligence levels, physical size for sports ones and such. Those not in the cult will have lower intelligence levels provided only, docile slaves with childlike mentalities and abilities. The cult children will be the top performers and receive all the help the cult can offer. So you'll get a world with only the cult in it at some point, hell on earth for demons.

    The problem with this is that the cult operates on arrogance, lust and greed. What would happen if the cult was isolated like the virus it is? It would end up killing itself off, it would likely end with one who survived the cannibalism as the last cannibal who then commits suicide. What is it all for? The cult is also being scammed by satan and his 33% demons. The benefits of satan are a scam no matter how good they look and feel. Demons are backbiters, they don't love each other really and turn your back to fellow demons at your risk. This kind of explains the paranoia and constant need to show the body poses, hand signs and such we see in the images of today. There is no peace and tranqulity in this cult, they always look over their shoulder.

    Like this cults ancient legacy in pagan times the egyptian civilization just collapsed at some point and it's a bedrock of this cult among the other pagan empires before it and after it like the jewish british empire. The egyptians were only kept going by absorbing those NOT from it's civ but it was eventually just a monument. Hardier people like the Greeks of Alexanders time conquered it then later the Roman Republic conquered it and it was a vassal state, today it's just an average middle eastern state with the tourist traps these monuments are. It's also a jewmasontranny controlled state that is likely another staging ground for scams in the local region.

    The same sort of pagan civ like the cannibal aztecs and such are the same today, just a bunch of monuments and tourism draw. Some crumbling dusty places. I have no doubt this will befall the jewmasontranny cults civ, the final pagan whore of babylon. But that won't even get that, it will be completely expunged by God at His pleasure. The extra virulent form of this satanism of modern days, no one will miss nor look back on with reverence like so many do to the egyptians and similar.
    Hertzian56, Feb 5, 2024
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