Fan Running Constantly - AO532h

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by Leaf, Jul 30, 2010.

  1. Leaf


    Jul 28, 2010
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    Hello to the Acer community. My old laptop recently broke down and I figured it was time to try something new and a little more portable for work. This little device took some getting used to but I think it's grown on me within the seven days I've had it. That is of course until I got home to my pin drop quiet apartment tonight and was finally able to get a good listen at the internals working.

    I find it hard to believe I missed this before. I guess the irony is I informed my neighbour that him running his A/C fan 24/7 is quite annoying. Only to come home tonight to his A/C not running but in turn having my own annoying fan problems. I understand the fan has to run every so often but this thing isn't stopping. I installed the AA1 Fan Control and I'm not sure if I'm setting it right but it doesn't seem to be doing anything. It says my CPU is 102-C and Fan on 70-C. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I only have so many days left to exchange it.

    I also noticed as I was typing this that around the n/j/m key area there is a slight sound triggered every once and a while. Maybe depending on pressure though I'm not typing to hard. Anyone else notice this?
    Leaf, Jul 30, 2010
  2. Leaf


    Jul 8, 2009
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    bluevolume, Jul 30, 2010
  3. Leaf


    Oct 29, 2008
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    I've been happy running A1ctl for getting onto two years:

    Can't speak to newer models - I found the "final" version 1.0 didn't work on my AOA-150 so went back to version 0.4, which works great on it: used the ACPIEC button, both throttling settings to "Dynamic", set Stop 52, start 56, auto 65.

    Generally it idles between 54-57 and never goes above a soft whir at half speed. (Obviously, these "temperature" readings are all specific to the particular software and don't translate to any other.) It's been a great machine.
    Forone, Jul 30, 2010
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