Fed Ex shipping of netbook under warranty

Discussion in 'Laptop Hardware' started by RocRizzo, Aug 7, 2009.

  1. RocRizzo


    Dec 27, 2008
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    These guys truly stink.
    I guess it is because I am in NY, and they are in TX, but I have to drive 60 miles ONE WAY to their facility, because I cannot be home when they deliver it, and they want a signature. Fed EX told me that I can sign a release, but it has to be faxed to me from ACER. I called Acer to find out if they could fax me the form, but it seems that the people in Mumbai are clueless. This could be a reason why I may not purchase nor recommend this make in the future, unless they change their policy.

    In all my dealings with IBM, HP, and Toshiba on notebook PCs, I have NEVER had this problem. Perhaps they can learn from this.
    RocRizzo, Aug 7, 2009
  2. RocRizzo


    Oct 16, 2008
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    actually you can have a signature release on file with fedex for all deliveries from them. acer doesn't need to send anything to fedex.

    and you can always have the shipping address changed. at least if you change it before it ships.
    techiediva, Aug 26, 2009
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