fedora 11

Discussion in 'Linux' started by itres, Mar 16, 2009.

  1. itres


    Nov 13, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Glad to hear it, thanks, can't wait for the last stable version :)
    gigieu, Apr 6, 2009
  2. itres


    Nov 28, 2008
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    well i finally have F11 beta xfce up and running on my one, there were loads of problems initially in just getting it installed but after working with the fedora xfce maintainer it was found out that the official F11 beta i686 xfce compose was buggered, they are looking into fixing it. thankfully the fedora xfce maintainer is a very helpful guy and he knocked up another spin and made it available for download here >> http://mirrors.tummy.com/pub/tmp/Fedora ... 4-i686.iso so we don't have to wait for fedora release engineering to do their thing.

    i like rockdoctor and loads of other people am totally against the xorg devs decision to disable the three fingered salute for restarting X (ctrl-alt-backspace) so i have also added the dontzap option to my xorg.conf, as i use an xorg.conf anyway for now it doesn't bother me, but as we are supposed to be moving away from X using a conf file :? but as more and more people realise what the xorg devs have done and cause a stir who knows what can happen :).

    rockdoctor the acer_wmi module shouldn't be loading on the aspire one as the wmi implementation in the aspire one doesn't do anything, so your right enough to remove it, i've been removing it on F10 too though i create a blacklist file in /etc/modprobe.d/ so that it doesn't load at all. to check your findings i just loaded it on my one and it took down my wireless connection as well as my sound :shock: not nice!

    well now to the good bit, on the F11 beta xfce i686 version above all of the hardware is working on the AOA150, though to enable the touchpad tap to click and scrolling abilities you need to do the same as in F10 and create move&edit an fdi file and install gsynaptics, the steps are as follows,

    1. copy the file


    and edit the contents to match this
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <deviceinfo version="0.2">
        <match key="info.capabilities" contains="input.touchpad">
          <merge key="input.x11_driver" type="string">synaptics</merge>
          <merge key="input.x11_options.SHMConfig" type="string">On</merge>
    2. then on the command line enter
    su -c 'yum -y install gsynaptics'
    enter your root password when prompted and wait for it to complete the install, then restart your machine.

    3. once the machine is booted again on the command line enter
    and when the program opens adjust your touchpad settings to suit your personal taste, you can also use the command line tool 'synclient' to adjust the settings a little better, type
    synclient -l
    to list the available options for your touchpad and
    man synclient
    to see what each option does :).

    the sound works perfectly, (and if you use audacious as your music player you can even get much better volume out of the one by enabling the graphic equaliser and upping the level of the preamp ;) ) suspend and hibernate also work perfectly (though as rockdoctor hinted to in an earlier post hibernate does indeed require a swap partition or swap file) and the card readers both hotplug sd cards no problems out of the box, so no need to tweak rc.local or the likes to get those working :cool:. the new kernel modesetting works perfectly (without needing the vga=0x317 kernel line vesa hack) and shows the plymouth bootscreen on boot and shutdown, though they have changed to the spinfinity plymouth plugin instead of the solar plugin used in F10 (but i have changed it back on my one) and the ext4 filesystem seems to be holding up very well so far.

    all in all i'm really impressed with how F11 is shaping up for AOA (and everything else) usage :D

    has anyone else installed an F11 beta on their one?

    HappyHarry, Apr 7, 2009
  3. itres


    Dec 31, 2008
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    No not yet I was planing to install the beta.
    But thanks to your updates I have the feeling that it's now time to get going ...

    XFCE spin or Gnome? hmmmm...

    Thanks again
    itres, Apr 7, 2009
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