few questions!

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by accousticbug, Oct 12, 2008.

  1. accousticbug


    Oct 12, 2008
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    1) does anyone know when the 6cell version is going to be available in the UK?

    2) Im going to use this for uni, and plan to run xp. it would be great while in lectures I could use a wee coding environment. eclipse perhaps. will it be useable do you think? i see loads of clips on youtube where folk are running half life 2 and other games! but im wondering what its like for development. its really appealing for students because its so small and lightweight. having to lug a laptop around WITH books aint friendly.

    3) What about music software? multi tracking some stuff on basic software like cool edit? think it could handle it?

    4) Are any of you aware of the acer aspire 2920/2930? for a hundred and fifty pounds more you get a normal laptop with a 12.1 inch screen, thats pretty light too. everyone seems absouetly made up with the aao150, but is it just a novelty? could you seriously do some work on these things?

    5) isnt anyone worried that in 6months time these machines will be replaced with something even more impressive? i dont know if i should wait.
    accousticbug, Oct 12, 2008
  2. accousticbug


    Sep 3, 2008
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    Bolton, Lancashire, UK
    This version may not be available in UK at all...

    You must remember only one: AA1 and Atom CPU are not designed for gaming. True some games works but do not expect miracles... Look at this: viewtopic.php?f=21&t=4901 it's showing what you can play on AA1...

    Probably AA1 will handle this but again. It's not super multimedia machine...

    Yes you can. Mostly e-mail stuff, browsing, some typing. It is perfect small machine for mobile users but will never exchange desktop in my opinion... Obviously some of us using AA1 as fully functional PC for everything...

    Do not wait. Waiting for something better you never be able to buy anything - it's technology. It's changing each month... Look at this: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=3104&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&hilit=trigger there was the same problem: buy or wait...
    melhiore, Oct 12, 2008
  3. accousticbug


    Oct 12, 2008
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    cheers for the response.

    i know the aa1x isnt designed for more than general use, but to be honest, why shouldnt it?

    its running a 1.6ghz chip, with 1.5meg of ram. 4 years ago those kinds of specs would be top of the line.

    obv no graphics card is going to be a big issue for playing games, but the more and more i think about it, why can you use the aa150 for more heavy things?

    the big reason i want to wait perhaps is that like you said the 3cell version isnt available in the uk. getting the 6cell one, would just be the deal breaker as im only going to get 2 lectures out of it just now.
    accousticbug, Oct 12, 2008
  4. accousticbug


    Sep 3, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Bolton, Lancashire, UK
    As I said before - it's absolutely your choice what you're doing with your AA1... Just be aware that AA1 is not multimedia center ;)
    melhiore, Oct 12, 2008
  5. accousticbug


    Aug 27, 2008
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    I have the WinXP model, 1gb Memory. I use mine for C++ coding/compiling (Using Dev C++...I'm still in the beginning classes). It's great to hammer out some code whenever the inspiration strikes. It actually compiles much faster than the university lab computers. The small keyboard is a little bit of an issue, just expect the debugger to bug you with a lot of little typos.

    I mostly use it to pass time between classes by surfing the web, emailing, and IM'ing. A good rule of thumb is that anything you could do on a 1.6ghz PIII you can do on a 1.6ghz Atom - it's the same thing.

    "Beyond Good and Evil" runs well on it on lowest settings, it even works acceptably well with the track pad instead of a mouse. I'm looking to throw "Spore" on there too, but I need to find an external DVD-ROM first. Most 3-D games definitely do not work though. the IGP isn't very robust...uh, d'uh.

    Back to the point, the size isn't just a novelty, it is quite functional. It fits very nicely into a backpack and is smaller than most textbooks so any bumps are absorbed by the books, not the computer. It also fits pleasantly on one knee if space is cramped, or you feel like airing out the fella's

    I certainly agree with the above fellow, if you decide to wait for something better, you'll ALWAYS be waiting as technology will never stop getting better. You have to hunker down and commit at some point, and that point is largely arbitrary. at least the AAO is cheap enough that you won't be too upset if you need to upgrade in 3-4 years.
    Tavel, Oct 13, 2008
  6. accousticbug


    Oct 12, 2008
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    thanks tavel.. that was a great response. im going to look into importing a 6 cell version now and just go for it!

    excited i am!
    accousticbug, Oct 13, 2008
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