Files from Xp on Linpus?

Discussion in 'Linux' started by mdgo80, Jan 25, 2009.

  1. mdgo80


    Nov 3, 2008
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    Hi i want to know if there's a way to see my XP files when i'm on Linpus... I already have Linpus working on my original AA0 with Xp.. but i want to know if i can reach my XP files from Linpus
    mdgo80, Jan 25, 2009
  2. mdgo80

    Grim Squeaker

    Aug 19, 2008
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    Linux has no problems working with drives formatted as FAT.
    NTFS however is more complex. By default (assuming you applied all live updates) Linpus will only read NTFS and refuses to write to it. This can be corrected; but there remains a small risk when writing.

    But since you only wish to "see" your files: no problem.
    Grim Squeaker, Jan 25, 2009
  3. mdgo80


    Nov 30, 2008
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    You'll need to mount the drive. First, find out its name:
    sudo fdisk -l
    You should see your drive -- possibly sda or hda. You'll need the partition number; it'll be clear which partition is windows. I haven't used a hard drive model so I don't know how the disk is laid out.

    Make yourself a mount point:
    sudo mkdir /mnt/windows
    (This should exist by default actually -- try without doing that first)

    Mount the disk (modify this with your disk info):
    sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/windows
    Now you should be able to navigate to your xp files. Good luck.
    mattytee, Jan 26, 2009
  4. mdgo80

    Guest Guest

    help please i have tried this but it would not see the ntfs hddrive and now i get "cant mount seadisc "when i plug in a fat32 usb drive named drive_n_go it previously had no problem using this hddrive

    Guest, Feb 1, 2009
  5. mdgo80


    Nov 30, 2008
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    NTFS is a little different.

    sudo ntfsmount /dev/sda1 /mnt/windows
    You should be asked for your username/password, this would be for the NTFS volume, not your Linux credentials.

    As for your other problem, the description sounds a little confused. Did you change the volume name? Have you modified your fstab?

    Will it mount on another PC? If so, try scandisk and defrag in windows.

    Possibly a scrambled MBR, also, so you might try
    fdisk mbr
    on that drive on a windows box.
    mattytee, Feb 1, 2009
  6. mdgo80

    Guest Guest

    i think i need to do something to ect/fstab/ but dont know how to access this file I have managed to auto mount a tom tom with internal drive as internal drive but when i plug my DRIVE_N_GO fat drive in it will not mount it says cant find DRIVE_N_ GO in ect/fstab or ect/mstab so they are corrupt could someone post these files with instructions on how to get them into the right location so my usb fat drive will auto mount again

    Guest, Feb 2, 2009
  7. mdgo80


    Nov 30, 2008
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    sudo mousepad /etc/fstab
    mattytee, Feb 2, 2009
  8. mdgo80

    Guest Guest

    thanks for that but it was a blank page so i have done a system restore and now everything is fine just need to get skype and msplayer plus picasa backon now thank you again for trying to help
    ps: i have now done this and can now see this file so i must have deleted it some how thanks again
    Guest, Feb 2, 2009
  9. mdgo80


    Nov 30, 2008
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    Glad you got it sorted.

    I'm an old hand, and I find it very useful to keep a backup of the entire partition so I can always get back a running system without having to redo all my software installations and tweaks. I highly recommend making a system rescue USB stick. Use partimage to image the partition -- it's very like Norton Ghost if you ever used that, but not difficult even if you haven't. Use a big stick or mount one of your external hard drives and write the image there. Then you have something to go back to.

    I'll do a guide on partimage when I get a chance -- look for it in the guides section within the next few days if you want step-by-step instructions. EDIT: never mind, it has been done.
    mattytee, Feb 2, 2009
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