Finding the best combination of PCIE/USB peripheals (AOA150)

Discussion in 'Modding and Customization' started by Oberon, Aug 20, 2011.

  1. Oberon


    Apr 28, 2009
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    Hi everyone, I've been registered here since i got my aspire one, back in 2009. Now that warranty has passed by, it's time for me to start modding it :D
    I've read so much posts about hardware mods available for my little aoa150 (winxp), but i still haven't found a good solution / combination for my needings :(

    I'd like to add to my netbook
    1) HD video acceleration via Broadcom HD Movie Decoder BCM970015 (or should i choose a BCM970012? :? ) (PCI-E)
    2) Internal Bluetooth
    3) Eventually internal 3g (PCI-E)

    i already own a
    3G USB sitck
    Wireless IEEE 802.11g USB dongle
    Bluetooth USB dongle

    What i am asking is a suggestion about wich of those 2 combinations would be the best

    Setup A

    1- Pull out internal wifi card, use that pcie slot for the BCM970015 card
    2 - Install an usb micro hub on the the unused usb port on the motherboard's backside.
    3 - Connect the bluetooth dongle on HUB's Port #1, and place it on the lcd's left side
    4 - Connect the wireless usb dongle to the hub's port#2 and place it on the right side of the lcd.
    The antenna wuold be the one built-in on the dongle's board.

    This combination leaves the 2nd pcie slot unused, so i can still go on with the 3g internal mod (as soon as i'll find some courage to start soldering the pci-e)
    I could turn off USB bluetooth and USB wifi via dip switch, for power saving, also i think i'll be able to turn off the broadcomm HD using the old wi-fi switch (does it work? =/ )
    Low chanches to mess up things, only 4 solderings to make on the motherboard (excluding opional internal 3g card/connector)

    The usb wi-fi dongle becomes very hot, could it damage the lcd ?
    Any cons using usb wi-fi dongle instead of pci-e card? (speed, antenna range?)
    Some not-reversible moddings, like installing the dip switch in the case.

    Setup B
    1 - Pull out internal wifi card, change it with a combo Wi-fi/bluetooth card
    2 - Solder the 2nd pciE port and use the BCM970015 in it.
    3 - Solder the bluetooth dongle on the unused usb port on the mobo's backside and place it near the lcd
    4 - keep on using the 3g usb stick (no more pci-e ports) when i'm not at home

    Any cons related to using a pci-e wi-fi card instead of an usb
    I think this is a more "clean" solution
    Not so immediate needs to use internal 3g so keeping on use the usb thumb would not be a big problem.

    Think i can not turn off bluetooth or at least i can only turn both wi-fi and bluetooth off
    Maybe i can turn off the broadcomm hd video card using the already-installed 3g switch?
    I'm obliged to solder the second pci-e

    so...any suggestion? which one would you go for?
    Oberon, Aug 20, 2011
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