firefox 3 devel

Discussion in 'Linux' started by boino, Aug 28, 2008.

  1. boino


    Aug 25, 2008
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    the problem is that when you install firefox 3 on the one, it works fine, but the software update doesn't. it looks like it needs firefox-devel, but as far as i know, firefox-devel for firefox 3 does not exist. so, can i get tips or something that can fix this?

    the error is:
    notification-daemon-xfce conflicts with notify-daemon
    Missing Dependency: gecko-libs = is needed by package yelp

    so i go to the terminal and types
    yum provides gecko-libs

    it says
    firefox.i386 : Mozilla Firefox Web browser.
    firefox.i386 : Mozilla Firefox Web browser.
    firefox.i386 : Mozilla Firefox Web browser.

    then i know i found somewhere on the net that i need firefox-devel ( here

    and now im stuck....

    i am really really new to linux and so on, but i've read alot of stuff about this, and hasn't found a fix for it yet...

    thanks in advance for all the help.
    boino, Aug 28, 2008
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