Flaky Wifi in XP

Discussion in 'Windows' started by bairdjc, Jan 24, 2009.

  1. bairdjc


    Jan 24, 2009
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    I just got my ONE last week - borrowed an external DVD drive and installed XP.

    After I figured out how to get the wifi working (you have to install the Launch Manager), I connected to my router (which I am sitting about 4 feet away from).

    There is one nagging issue - after a few minutes of being connected, it's almost like the ONE will just "drift away" and although it thinks it's still connected to the router, the router's status indicates it is NOT - the indicator being no internet access. Switching off/on the wireless antenna OR disconnecting/reconnecting from the router also "works" but only temporarily.

    I've been thinking this is a power setting (it's plugged in btw) - anyone else had this issue?
    bairdjc, Jan 24, 2009
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