Fn key locks after log on to AAO 532h

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by scrabbledupagain, Nov 12, 2010.

  1. scrabbledupagain


    Nov 12, 2010
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    Hello - I am new here and have not found a post about the problem I am having with my
    AAO 532h so I decided to ask if anyone has experienced the same issue. Please point me in the right direction for the solution to this frustrating issue:

    I power my Acer Aspire One 532h (running Win7 Starter) and once I log on to netbook, the light for the blue function keys locks on. This makes typing any of the keys that have a blue function number/symbol produce not the (hoped-for) character on that key, but rather the corresponding blue number or symbol. For example:

    the word kettle comes out this way: 2ett3e and the word putrid as *4tr5d

    I would certainly like to fix this - it's irritating that I must remember to use the Fn key while I'm typing in order to override the Fn lock...Thanks in advance for some advice on how to correct this issue!
    scrabbledupagain, Nov 12, 2010
  2. scrabbledupagain

    Swarvey Moderator

    Dec 3, 2009
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    That's the numlock function. I'm not sure where it is on the keyboard for the 532 (on my D250 it's F11), but you must hold the Fn key, then tap the NumLock key, then release the Fn key.
    Swarvey, Nov 12, 2010
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