Football Manager 2010 on AA1

Discussion in 'Linux' started by LinuxNewb, Feb 7, 2010.

  1. LinuxNewb


    Feb 7, 2010
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    Hello there fellas, How are you.

    I recently started looking into FM 2010 on Linpus Lite AA1, via WINE and Play on Linux. I put all the files on the disc onto a ?USB stick. I put all the files from the stick on to my documents, I managed to easily get onto the setup.exe and it started to go through the process picking my source eg C:\ Prog files etc that WINE emulates, however because I have only got a 3 GB HDD inside the AA1 it wont let me install due to lack of space. It need 2.1 but only had 1.5gb , So I tried directing it to instll to my SDD (13gb) but it says I do not have special permission to write to that source? However I am the only user I can do everything else.

    Any ideas for me to clean up space or even just install it to my SDD

    Thank you!
    LinuxNewb, Feb 7, 2010
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