Four Corners Southwest Started Fires 2023

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Aug 7, 2023.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Looking at today I noticed an array of fires around the four corners area of utah, colorado, new mexico and arizona. These areas are largely remote and so once again, like canada ongoing fires, were started via airborne DEW/laser systems by the ptb jewmasontranny cultists. Demon follower cult that uses kabbalistic satanic magic to work it's filth. And today they have access through demonic assistance to technology on a worldwide scale that can do damage on a worldwide scale. I also noticed some sort of fires in china and you can bet all the govs involved know about this plan since the mafioso cultist personnel occupy all the top positions and more of these govs.

    With the amount of ongoing smoke poured into the atmosphere by the canada fires you will get alteration of natural climate. Climate Change is CREATED for a political control system, the amount, intensity and regularity of these fires IS-NOT-NATURAL or goes way against probability or even history. The 4 corners versions I saw today are in almost a grid which indicates they ARE_NOT just coincidences nor random. The last HD still shot shows ONE fire in north centeral AZ yesterday NOW today before sunset there are 4-6 around the area at least. NOPE these are started fires by the worldwide jewmasontranny satanic mafia. Inana-Venus-Baphomet etc trannycult.

    Go to that site, and if it's night time you can't see but hit the "HD" button to see the last hd shot, printscreen, save. Do it again every day to get a timeline. Another place is NWS site radar images, during the day and also you can get ground heat IR shots at night to see the larger hotter fires. SAVE IMAGES. Like all the other theater they give us like gun events, etc it's just in service of a total control system of misery and death.
    Hertzian56, Aug 7, 2023
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Here are a couple of screen shots from zoom earth same day a few hours apart, one is the hd static early version and one was the live at the time version right before nightfall showing a ring of fires around the 4 corners area. Today all of them are magically gone, about 12 hours later all fires are gone even the coconino county one. And there are massive smoke and fires over Alaska and parts of north-eastern russia as well. Once again remote fires are almost certainly STARTED artificially via airborne DEW-laser systems. To stoke climate change artificially for various purposes which only the satanists themselves know.

    Now ask yourself, why aren't there any of these major intensive fires in high density places like Europe? If this is climate change, cc, 33, then population density should be a major factor. But CC seems to only happen in very remote places like northern canada, far eastern russia, alaska. This is in the context of the fires as some symptom of climate change nonsense, these started fires at this scale will actually CREATE climate change. They're not a symptom but a cause.

    Why doesn't Africa, S. America, and other vast places get these huge fires by the dozens? Why only N America and other places where the jewmasontrannys have their total media matrix and a hypnotized populace? They certainly can't do these fires easily in densely populated areas like Europe and Britain because too many eyes and their central HQ is in those places, whole region there is their top level HQ no doubt. They just want to bother people with fires far away from THEM, they don't want to have it near the top leadership etc

    Similar to Nasa and similar space opera agencies and such these fires also produce a lot of jobs and keep people employed, a huge marxist work program. We saw this here with the orchestrated crash in the 1920s with work projects, pretty much the same as jUSSR ones but not as brutal with slave labor, beatings, starvation, torture and shootings. The jewmasontrannys had total control in the JUSSR so it was viable there. Same thing as crypto-jew Red star China and their great leaps, cultural revolutions and such which resulted in likely 60 million or more dead. hours earlier started fires 4 corners 82023.jpg started fires 4 corners 82023.jpg
    Hertzian56, Aug 7, 2023
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Here we are almost a year later and of course something artificial called "fire season" is just about to start. This is an unknown thing in the history of mankind that magically just "happens" every year for a long time now. What "named" fires will we get this year in the jewmasontranny cults little play called fire season? Maybe there needs to be another "paradise" burning fire or maybe a "garden" fire or Eden fire or etc these sickos love their names and numbers.

    And shall we get along i5 oregon etc again? What about remote Canada like last year, remote russia etc right into the correct jet streams to then spread smoke and ashes in as wide an area as possible, gee how that just happen? Don't doubt the typical on que california fires, has to happen.

    An airborne fire starting platform is obviously being used, laser-maser or other tech. A drone would do the job and could keep stoking it far from what humans could see with the naked eye. The fire industry stands to make a fortune, OT all around guys!!, State-Fed money spigot opens wide for this stuff. Our well paid "heroes" at it once again! Tilting at those windmills but for very good pensions and benes on top! WOW such bravery, at cost of course.
    Hertzian56, Jul 7, 2024
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Last year we got the slave lake, GSL and BC areas bombarded with fires, this naturally was perfect for spreading smoke and ashes across central and western USA where the "climate change" marxist totalitarian agenda is most pushed. You'll notice the "in the bag" idiots in W Europe never seem to get these fires, why do them there the elites don't want their HQs there to suffer the inconvenience and they already consolidated with wwjew and things like the EU and such since then.

    There are also almost no remote forested areas to easily conceal these crimes in Europe. Russia and N America are ripe for this. No one cares too much about SAmerica for this agenda, the marxist govs will just enforce whatever they want with a demoralized populace anyways. Nor Africa, Australia is already a marxist hellstate along with NZ. ScandiKnaves area is also the same, the populace has been fully trained to the marxist leash there.

    Russia no one there cares either for obvious reasons a marxist dictatorship all it is. No the Russian "wild" fires are for the overall climate change agenda and to enhance that in northern areas, the target is the western US there, the jet streams go up that way at that time. Temps rise weather patterns are changed, agenda enhanced.

    There is also no reason for this in places like china etc, the leash is well fitted there.

    So somehow the great wildfire season is limited to NAmerica in late summer. Nowhere else gets it in the northern hemisphere, nonsensically. These demon infested scumsters who preach all this save the earth nonsense then go out and burn it, dump raw chems in it, make wars that are the greatest detriment to any natural ecosystem and the profits are more important to the mafia.

    If they have a particular agenda they go out and create the impetus and then come along with the solution. This is similar to say the police who RAISE crime the more there are in any area and many do it intentionally it's "good for business" etc.
    Hertzian56, Jul 7, 2024
  5. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    BTW as of today I can already see the fires near Lensk or Mirny Russia same area as last year. I can see Slave Lake area fires once again.
    Hertzian56, Jul 7, 2024
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