Wife need XP for work, I need to get this off of my to do list: Formatted 8GB ssd to install W7 which didn't take due to size of ssd < 8.7 gb? which is not the issue right now. I have installed distro of linux, eeebuntu, on with 3 partitions to the ssd, 1 - ntfs; 2 - ext3 ; 3 - swap. I have tried all the methods to get my jump drives to act like cds copy or HDD with setup files. I am at my wits end so I would try the forms now. So my goal is to reinstall Windows XP and I have the Acer CD's, Jumpdrives ( 2, 4, 16 gb) and external HDD (250 gb) im running Vista 64-bit, have vista 32-bit and pc with XP home edition as well. HELP!!!