First thing to let you know is that I have enabled the right click on desktop and Add/remove program Im trying to get a gameboy advance emulator running on my aspire one but so far I seem to be having no luck at all, the first emulator I tried to install was Visual Boy Advance but it wouldnt run the .exe and I had downloaded the SDL linux libaries: I had no idea what they were and I just got confuesed on making it work and gave up. Second emulator I tried was gnome boy advance but when I tried to open the application, it said unable to execute "usr/bin/gnomeboyadvance" I think, I tried a few different versions before I gave up. Anyone know of an emulator for the game boy advance which they could tell me how to easily install or does anyone know how can install the emulators Ive tried, another odd thing is that gnomeboy advance doesnt appear in add/remove program. Anways, I would appreciate the help.