
Discussion in 'Windows' started by Grassawper, Dec 25, 2008.

  1. Grassawper


    Dec 25, 2008
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    Has anyone installed Counter Strike source ( and played it ) . I installed it with no problems but i have to change dedicated video options ( only has 6 megs dedicated) so it wont play. If someone has found a way around this problem please let me know , i am running the 160 gig hard drive model with XP. CHEERS
    Grassawper, Dec 25, 2008
  2. Grassawper


    Dec 13, 2008
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    Im sure theres a way as Ive seen posts about people playing css. I wouldnt reccomend it though. I get like 10-20 fps in 1.6 so I would consider css unplayable if at all.
    KillerStephen, Dec 25, 2008
  3. Grassawper


    Dec 25, 2008
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    Thanks for the reply, i'm just lookin to get in game to do some admin work. I play on a desk top usually but i'm not always at home when there is a problem. CHEERS
    Grassawper, Dec 26, 2008
  4. Grassawper


    Dec 25, 2008
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    if you just wanna use your AAO to administrate your CSS Server, then you dont necesarily have to install the Game. If you have root access to your server then you kann run als server commands via SSH and there are also several windowsprograms that allow you to manage your servers without SSH. RCON however is required :mrgreen:
    lennard, Dec 26, 2008
  5. Grassawper


    Nov 29, 2008
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    Where ever I'm sent....
    Err what has 6megs???????????????????/
    lohtse, Dec 26, 2008
  6. Grassawper


    Feb 2, 2009
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    The video card :) 8 Mb minus 2 for the UI probably
    darshie76, Feb 2, 2009
  7. Grassawper


    Nov 29, 2008
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    Where ever I'm sent....
    well should check specs properly its 8 megs Dedicated but is 248megs shared ram too giving a total of upto 256megs graphics. As in same as 95% of laptops on the market and a lot of PCs too...
    Most have a graphics adapter with little built in but use dynamic ram use normal RAM to allocate what's need as and when required.....

    only a minor point but an important one all the same..

    lohtse, Feb 2, 2009
  8. Grassawper


    Feb 2, 2009
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    8 megs is the total memory for the video....xp uses memory to draw the ui, so probably it will not be anymore 8 Mb after loading windows (like to say that your car has a 13 Gal tank, if you drive it goes down :D); maybe launching dos...but what is the purpose of video memory in dos ? :D

    I was not aware that the shared memory count on the total memory for the video; my other laptop with 950 can allocate max 64 Mb of memory from the main RAM; this is to avoid bad pointers in memory, since the instructions that should be executed for the video processes could clash with the main memory (hence the memory is shared, but there is a limit and a boundary about how much memory can be allocated for the graphic).

    I've asked to an Intel guy on another forum and he confirmed that the 8 Mb are taken from the 1024 Mb, not dedicated (this is why is called shared video memory), and unless the bios let you change the default settings, you will use always 8 Mb (that means forget about playing with any game that require more space since cannot allocate the textures bigger than 8 mb? this is crazy :p)

    I hope to be wrong; anyway i have this laptop to work on it, not to play :D
    darshie76, Feb 2, 2009
  9. Grassawper


    Nov 29, 2008
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    Where ever I'm sent....
    will point this out.....

    there is and awful lot of us on here that play games that require 64megs of ram MINIMUM World in conflict for instance if there is only 8megs of ram max and NO shared ram then please explain how this works??? Also my Main laptop is SHARED graphics card of UPTO 256 megs...(in other words same as the netbook) and I play COD 4 and 5 on it.....Seems odd then that these will run ok .. I play Blackhawk down (min of 32megs graphics) Joint Ops(min of 64megs graphics) and the list Goes on.

    The Netbooks are SHARED graphics(ram) of upto 256megs also this is the same graphics as my partners toshiba laptop and same with her no problems with COD4....

    Sorry but seems some where you are being informed incorrectly or we all on the forums that play games aren't really playing them on our netbooks..

    lohtse, Feb 2, 2009
  10. Grassawper


    Feb 2, 2009
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    Andrew, help me to understand....

    when you talk about "games taht reqyure 64 mb of ram minimum", you mean of video memory? or of RAM?

    Shared memory means that you do not have dedicated memory for video and memory for the system, AFAIK; and the chipset decide the amount of memory to dedicate to the graphic (usually is 8-16-32-64) via bios; but i do not know if the new chipsets can do this dinamically without any user intervention, and let me explain why:

    if you have 1 Gb, and launch COD, the software will allocate X amount of ram on the system, plus will build the textures and the other graphic objects, compatibly with the specs of the system, downgrading if necessary the size of the memory.

    Now, when we talk about video memory, we talk about Shaders operation, texture size and other process that are typically done by the graphic chip, so the information needed to these processes has to be saved in the video memory, since is the memory that is accessed exclusively by the graphic processor.

    If the memory is shared, the system has to know how much memory has to be allocated for these instructions, before launching the application (game), otherwise if the system has allocated 32 mb, and then windows (that still run in the background with all his crap of services and processes) starts to use more memory or change memory allocations for certain resources; it could happen that the graphic instructions will go in an area where they should not be, causing conflicts (try overbook a plane, and you will end up with 2 people on the same seat, same for the memory...this is what cause that nice blue screen that everyone loves lol).

    The fact that the chipset support redirection of a certain amount of memory on the video section do not imply that this is happening dynamically or that is possible until his theoretical limit (video card producers makes cards with the same chip downgraded to limit some functionalities; nothing new, especially when you consider that a geforce and a quadro has the same chip, that can unlock the features simply using a pencil and close a couple of circuits on the back of the video processor, saving thousands of dollars :D ); so would be possible that on the Aspire one, the chipset do not support this feature for some reason (not saying that i am right, trying to give an explanation)

    I am not saying that i am right, and games cannot run on our laptop, but i heard people having issues playing with the first half life, and consider almost impossible to see any game, even if older, that run decently on the aspire one, because of the limited video memory (just as example, my old laptop, a compaq presario with 32 mb of dedicated video memory and a celeron 1.2 and 1 Gb of ram, was having issues to run neverwinter nigths...i would not even try to install NWN on the aspire one :D)

    If i am saying something that is not right (thanks to who told me this, i assume that people say the truth because there is no reason in bragging knowledge) i have no problem at all in saying that i am wrong :) I simply want to understand the truth, without getting into chipset design and take a 5 years engineering course on intel chipsets :D

    What games did you ran on the Aspire one? you can get fraps and get the FPS, and other utilities to check how much memory you are using on the video and other sections of the game; i will try with half life source and neverwinter night and put here the results.
    darshie76, Feb 3, 2009
  11. Grassawper


    Nov 29, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Where ever I'm sent....

    From what I Understand we have Shared graphics as in it shares the ram dynamically so if you have 1gig of ram it will share that with both system and graphics up to 256megs (same as both mine and my partners laptops) So as an application or game requires more graphics memory it is assigned it. the reason for the problem with certain games is due to the crappy chip set the graphics card uses and not the machine. The work around is 3Danalyzer(this will allow the shader and TnL to work).

    My partners laptop is the same graphics card with 3gig ram and 2.2gig intel processor and as with the netbook its the graphics card that lets her down,3Danalyzer sorts this out..

    Now back to the netbook there is a complete topic showing what runs on them and I even have a topic regarding this too. You should take a look at them and you will be surprised what does run on these little machines. I myself have more games installed(53) on them than I do on my laptop. :D :D

    lohtse, Feb 3, 2009
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