gb? keyboard map

Discussion in 'Linux' started by dasy2k1, Oct 19, 2008.

  1. dasy2k1


    Oct 19, 2008
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    i have the UK version of the one, but it seems to come preloaded with the US keyboard map (even though it has a UK keyboard in hardware...)

    simple though i,

    change the relivant line in /etc/X11/xorg.conf from us to gb and reboot X ....
    ok so ctrl+alt+backspace dousent work, ok reboot whole machine....

    still us layout.. not only that but my xorg conf is back to how it was...

    i edited with VI as root, so that shoudl change it once and for all.
    but apparently not.....

    anyone have any idea of how to change the keybaord mappings?
    dasy2k1, Oct 19, 2008
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