Getting Slackware 12.1 onto AA1

Discussion in 'Linux' started by alanine, Aug 31, 2008.

  1. alanine


    Aug 12, 2008
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    For anyone who is interested in getting Slackware onto AA1, here is a step-by-step instruction on how to do this:

    To play safe, I first installed Slackware onto a USB drive, and then after making sure most things are working, migrated it back to local drive and replaced Linpus. Also I reused the kernel from Linpus, so that should ease some minds. For brave souls that have a taste for Slackware, you may want to give it a try.

    One problem that keeps me from having a working ACPI script is that suspend to ram doesn't really work for X. Sure when you suspend and resume, X comes back no problem, but if you quit X (or X crashes) it won't be able to come back. It'll give a screen not found error. Hiberation through TuxOnIce works though, but it's a tad too slow.

    So my question is, does anyone have this problem with other distros? Linpus basically reboots if X crashes so it doesn't count unless you've replaced the default one with gdm.

    Also I'll appreciate any comments or suggestions on running Slackware on AA1. Thanks!
    alanine, Aug 31, 2008
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