Getting WinXP to work, looking 4 copy of recovery CD online

Discussion in 'Windows' started by juniper, Dec 17, 2008.

  1. juniper


    Sep 1, 2008
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    Columbus, OH
    I downloaded a version of Windows XP called "Micro XP", I got it from a private torrent site. I copied Micro XP into a CD successfully and it boots just fine from this computer (a laptop running Windows Vista). I didn't try installing it. I'd like to get this copy of Micro XP onto my Acer Aspire One (the SSD version), but I'm lost on how to do it. I have a USB external CD drive that refuses to boot. I can read and access the drive via Ubuntu (the OS currently installed on my AAO), but the computer won't boot from the external CD drive. I think because it's an old USB external CD drive that it is doing this.

    My question here is: if I bought a newer external CD drive and used it to boot Micro XP on the AAO, should I, in theory, be able to install Micro XP/Windows XP onto the computer? Or is there something with the AAO that will prevent it from installing Windows XP successfully without doing a more complicated installation?

    I've tried to follow the How-to Guides on how to install Windows XP onto the AAO found in the forums here and they don't work for me. The USB formatting program included in the guides doesn't detect my USB drive. I'm such a noob at this... I come from Mac land where everything is easy peasy.

    I'm really upset with Linux, I don't like how it "self pwns" (as I have dubbed it) itself. I did a Ubuntu update on my AAO and boom, no wireless. I created a Puppy Linux liveUSB using Unetbootin and the wireless doesn't work either. I don't have my recovery CDs at hand but I'm willing to go back to Linpus Lite if it means having a working wireless. I saw someone post an online download to the recovery CD a long time ago when I first got my computer, is that still available somewhere?
    juniper, Dec 17, 2008
  2. juniper


    Oct 6, 2008
    Likes Received:
    sounds like your USB drive it the problem..

    LOLs at Mac being easy-peasy.
    now lets get realistic please.
    nmesisca, Dec 17, 2008
  3. juniper


    Nov 29, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Where ever I'm sent....
    I know it may seem odd but try a different USB cable with the drive and also different ports... I say this because I have an external DVD writer which boots fine with the netbook BUT only with certain cables ... Odd but as the drive is NEW and as long as I use either the cable it came with or certain others I have no problems... Just give it a try..

    lohtse, Dec 17, 2008
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