Ghost of Tsushima shader 6.6 workaround

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, May 26, 2024.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    The idea that Sensei Ishikawa would take on a female stray with a disturbed background as a prize pupil is ludicrous of course. Masters tend to look for talent AND discipline-work ethic because everyone has some talents but few have the drive to work hard consistently at them. There would have certainly been males who though having only some talent but would have had a cleaner background and worked more diligently and taken direction more as an heir to the senseis archery tradition. Tomoe was really only just a product of broken background who tended to crime, not likely to do any different after that story was done. But like I said I did like this major NPC story overall, some of the banter and conversation was interesting and built a tension between Jin and Ishik that was far better then Tomoe was, Tomoe was better as an unknown bad girl frankly.

    I don't think Norios story is all that interesting either so not going to comment there, the arc in the game as a whole is just simply "how do we liberate these temples scattered over the map organically?" So out pops Norio on the other side of that tube.

    Uh I can't remember if there was other major npc story arcs so if there is they're even less needed.
    Hertzian56, Jul 6, 2024
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I looked up major NPCs with story arcs and Kenji was the only one I missed there. This just plays the comical scamp in a much more limited way then say Dandelion in TW3. Eh I did his story stuff here and there nothing too interesting.
    Hertzian56, Jul 6, 2024
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    The mythical stuff was somewhat entertaining as a treasure hunt sort of thing and I did most of them but I'm not interested in the inanity of liberating a half dozen farms to get some armor pieces etc I think I've got 4 out of 6 mythicals done, eh good enough frankly. I did kinda like the fighting Ronin of the Kojiro mythical quest, it was cinematic and intense with gorgeous backdrops kinda felt like one of those epic fighting games.

    Legends Mode is locked out for me since I'm offline only gameplay and I"m not logging in to play something that COULD be played as SP offline but is not available in that form. Nope. Sounds like a glorified battle arena frankly.

    I have not started the DLC as I was hearing it has an audio bug and I'm still on the first release or two version of the game and have had maybe 3-5 freeze ups and exit outs in the whole time I've played. The DLC is supposed to be bugged so we'll see I don't think any updates are needed to a working game until it's broken to the point of not advancing the main bulk of the game. Once I finish the final mission I'll likely just go right into the DLC and see if any updates are needed to the game.

    I've mostly seen the whole map and no fog of war but I still do have some places that need to be ran through to uncover. This is much easier walking 3-5x faster w the Cheat Engine and stealth of flings trainer which is just a glorified cheat engine w fancy GUI. Some not so interesting side missions here and there.

    Not too interested in Haiku, Haiku is NOT a warriors thing, it's a mendicant who notices things mostly the seasons in Japan sort of thing. Nature and Seasons and their moments in a flash in word-images. It was never a battle warrior thing at all and sad to see Sony shoehorning it in there like that. I recommend Haiku 4 vols set by RH Blyth for the best translations by an englisman in the post wwjew rebuilding there under jewish-masonic martial law. Reason japan is just another jewmasontranny province for a long long time. Only for the translations mind you his commentary is mostly just marxist JMT trash quoting literature from that mafia. Haiku was well before that indigenous to the long lost independent Japan of old.

    The other things like hot springs etc aren't too interesting either. The pillars of honor are obviously just a form of egyptian masonic obelisk phallus worship, really self worship. Some of the shrine challenges were interesting but many were just annoying for very little payoff. Fox Dens I never really understood, follow the fox to some camp or such, mkay. Their only value is as fast travel points really.

    So yeah I'm mostly done w the main game no more small side missions I can see and mostly clear explored map. Just the final mission and then Iki DLC. The games value is it has the flavor of japan in a skewed way then combines it with a gorgeous art style and some satisfying combat at times that wears out it's welcome and becomes just a commodity to use in more commodity tower-camp clearing.
    Hertzian56, Jul 6, 2024
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So main games a cautious 7-7.5 and I can't think the DLC would be any higher or even that high but we'll see. The overdone cutscenes outside of major missions add a lot of padding to play time the player has no control over so the playtimes need to be adjusted for a few hours at least of forced padding. I'd take off a minimum of 10hrs first playthrough just for cutscene padding.

    According to Howlongtobeat the main story is 25hrs, in reality it's 15 hrs and main+extras which most people will do is 46hrs really 36hrs when cutscene bloat is removed. Pretty bad price to time played ratio imo. They want 60$ for this on PC but that does include Iki DLC. Iki is put at 9-10hrs of content and I'd remove at least 2hrs for cutscenes my guess so really it's 7-8hrs for a bloatware gone total of 44hrs or so of real gameplay. DC version should be about 45$ or so, they overcharge in typical Sony pc port pricing scheming.
    Hertzian56, Jul 6, 2024
  5. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So getting into the Iki Island DLC after finishing main story I"m pretty bored with it. It's sooo derivative and has all the awful marxist feminazi garbage the main game has in it. Imagine a totally paternalistic warrior society like Shogunate having all this feminazism inserted into it by the totally jewmasontranny cultists at sony. Ugh so more cringe nonsense about all these women saviors and warriors etc all there, AGAIN.

    They even stole a TW3 side story about an impostor imitating the main character, it turns out to be the slimy Kenji but at least it's fairly brief. Sadly we don't get rid of Kenji for good though.

    There is a whole pointless hook mechanic wow, hold rt then lt to pull down a door etc amazing!! Then the almost as useless horse charge, how did old Jinster ever get through the main game without these gimmicks? More boring "Defeat the mongols" or "Defeat the XXXX" soo fun. More typical Jubisoft game garbage, wonderful.

    The whole resistance marxist story arc is so overdone, whole far cry and asscreed series about that we've seen it way too much. So it's a slog through this DLC really, the game certainly wears its welcome out long before the main game is over. Then we get a sort of regurgitated version of it on Iki.

    Once again the only saving grace of this game is art style and the trappings of traditional Japanese culture if nothing like the real thing. This all a form of stalinist JWO rewriting history and it's creepyaf coming from a.nother huge corrupt scummy megacorp owned and controlled by the talmudicks-kabbalist scum.

    Oof the DLC is just more turd on top of a turd really.
    Hertzian56, Jul 7, 2024
  6. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    And it has all the typical sonyisms like flowing cloth, twirling doodads to be sooo cool. Similar to HZD. It took me a while to get passed the blitz of good looking art style to notice how repetetive and boring it really is. There could have been so much more to the story and more authentic to the real period of the shogunate but we got a sliver of it with a full heaping spoonful of marxist drivel, jubisoft banality and gimmicks galore never to be used again except when forced to by the story.

    It even has a thin ripoff of the jubisoft drug/spirit sequences starting from way back in FC3. The of course female shaman puts a spell on the jinster to induce these annoying spirit sequences. The story so far seems to be kinda pointless. Some little island even smaller then Tsushima somehow has some shaman poisoning people and it's got to be stopped or blah blah blah...

    So I have 3x walk speed and in about 2hrs of both a few major story missions, a few side missions and just exploring I've seen the whole island. I feel sorry for people who paid money for this on top of the main game which was way too long and repetitive.

    The other major issue is that the performance is markedly worse in this dlc then the main game. I changed no settings and get stutters in many places, long and short. I also did get some audio bugs during one on one duel battles. It came back eventually but I never got that in the main game. At least we don't get the standoff popup as much.

    Adding this in adds nothing to the score or even diminishes it to a 6.5 to 7 max for me whole game. I'd go to a solid 6 but no more the rest is pure personal taste. The dazzling art style when you put it together does create incredible scenery but that's about it for this game. A taste of a fictional form of the real shogunate times is all we get it's nothing authentic or true. Sad really. How so many think this is such a masterpiece shows how why games have really gotten worse and continue to. People are dumbos who can't think and don't have the mental capacity to get past the razzmatazz of it. It's a rotting corpse in a pretty attire all it is.
    Hertzian56, Jul 7, 2024
  7. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So yeah I'm well into Iki and it's just more of the same overdone main game w some new ragtag heroes and a bloated story with plenty of kill mongols or other baddies type of stuff.

    This whole game is a 6 for me.

    I think there are lots of idiots who love jubislop fests. Lots of dots on a map and laundry lists to do to liberate yet another hard point. Sony makes really bad games that dazzle dumbos and this is one of them. Why the hexx would the jinster fresh from the drama of the main story have to prove himself with challenges and other drivel? Why care about a bandit island for some stupid shaman junk? It's just similar to the modern franchise, just add more slop to it, just more but lower quality from the not so great original, more slop for the pigs to eat up. I just don't get the hype from this game and the vast majority of sony pc ports and games. Overpriced old games that have thin shallow writing and gameplay. The combat is pretty satisfying from a visceral pov but that's about it, over and over.

    Then we get the annoying trannyhookerwood standoff cinematic THE.WHOLE.GAME and then in the DLC, it's soo boring to have to watch over and over. I can't remember all the things that are so repetitive about this game.

    Shame on you gamers for falling for this crap, shame on sony for releasing such tripe. Shame on you both.
    Hertzian56, Jul 7, 2024
  8. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Finishing Iki DLC the story was ok nothing too amazing but had a lot more drama then the base game other then the last mission of that. Uh I did get audio bug here and there but only during battles with lots of npcs and it always came back shortly. I got stuttering in certain areas of iki but it was never something that was everywhere all the time. So yeah maybe I could add .5 to my overall score for the game, 6.5 solid.

    The scenery and art style is the strongpoint of this game, major sony games seem to excel at that but the rest isn't too far from generic version of many other games and that's certainly true in this one. It's not the flash that I judge by it's the little details and meat and bones of the game which is derivative here. I don't know how people wouldn't get bored with this game besides the scenery and fairly satisfying visceral combat.

    Uh they really needed to add more things like legendary fish, fits right in in japan. Underwater aspects of the game like diving and exploration, more connected animals besides guides and general ones roaming around. Maybe a hawking mechanic may as well go all the way in copying from other games there. I think small boats and since this is fictional but uses real names they could have had deeper canyons and rapids for a funner way to get around or stealth aspects, see RDR2. I think some pretty geisha could have been incorporated in some way, bordellos or salons and perhaps some intrigue there instead of your typical peter pan-robin hood eastern edition npcs.

    Sony games are very directed and highly hand holding as well, they're def the IOS-iphone of games and it can get a little OCD imo typical japanese devs. The minor conversations should have been skippable line by line imo and there is a LOT of filler in this game. Sony is expert at charging 60-70+ for filler to pad play time, slow walking speed to do that also etc So you've got a 25-30hr game for that price, absolute ripoff. The quality is not near enough to justify the premium bloated pricing. Then they come out with the same game 4 years later on PC at AAA full prices, nah Sony are scammers for sure.
    Hertzian56, Jul 8, 2024
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