going round in circles

Discussion in 'Linux' started by drfhm, May 12, 2009.

  1. drfhm


    Feb 18, 2009
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    Just had a rethink and in a nutshell I think my problem is simple , I have my Linux Lite operating system and files in order and complete but I need Xfce to do anything . Because I deleted Xfce I can no longer get to add/remove to re select it , in short I need to find a way to get to Xfce or add/remove programs another way .I dont want to restore opperating system if anyone knows a way to avoid it.
    drfhm, May 12, 2009
  2. drfhm


    Oct 27, 2008
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    solpuerto, May 12, 2009
  3. drfhm


    Feb 18, 2009
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    hope this explains problem

    These are the posts i made in an effort to solve my problem and hopefuly explains everything, sorry if i repeate myself there.....

    i removed xfice to get Gnome and Banshee to work , they were removed and installed it said but my screen went black and i just have the search bar at the top right and the taskbar at the bottom , all i can do now is use the internet but nothing on the machine , all my files are there i can find them but cant open anything as their now in grey not black type , all i get is error messages. if i could i would like to use another operating system other than linux lite as i miss the windows xp desktop im used to on my pc .When i bought the netbook I did manage to change it to firefox 3 add skype and the icon also plus vlc player hoping i dont have to do that again as i had real problems 1st time round.Dose anyone know if using the uban remix program will work and will it leave all my files in place , if i have to use anything from the old operating system to install it then im sunk . One last thing the alt f2 doesn't do anything at all .The odd thing is that i was using the package manager and only did what it told me to resolve dependencies and conflictin programs , said xfce was conflicting with gnome so remove it and it did .How was i to know it would have this effect , there should be some sort of safeguard .

    I no longer have XFCE so I have only a black screen with search bar top right and the taskbar at the bottom . The search worked both for the internet and desktop . I would like an opinion as to whether or not I still have the Linux Lite operating system and how can I re enable it given that I cant type in any commands as I cant access the terminal of any part of the system other than search , F2 dosent do anything , I have tried downloading small irrelevant programs to test if that works, the download box appears and when downloads are completed a right click and open will show the box with all the sections of the download in but that’s all I can do , once I close any boxes I have no way to open them again .I have used search to find my files and they are all there but the only ones that will open are on the built in media player,PDF files etc wont .I don’t like Linux lite and would like to have windows of some sort installed if possible so I guess my second question should be where do I get it and can I install it with my netbook in the condition its in now. The odd thing is i was able to folow someones instructions here when i first bought the netbook and enabled the advance menue ,( if thats the thing i used to right click on ) , im not thick honest , just confused and very much a novice .

    i dont need games and i still have internet fine from searchbar but i need spreadsheets and word processing plus skype, media player and something like banshee for the ipod , would be nice if i can download programs and be able to find them also haha .I dont have a clue what type of memory stick i would need.i have a windows PC but as i run on solar and wind turbines the netbook is perfect in the evenings without draining my system in the winter . By the way if anyone needs advice on something im used to then ive installed solar sysyems for friends costing anything from a grand to 40 grand and would be happy to help anyone with advice .

    I would be so grateful for a simple solution , thats if there is one .
    drfhm, May 12, 2009
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