going to try jolicloud tonight..

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by Twan013, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. Twan013


    Dec 4, 2008
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    Hey guys, last night I was reading about jolicloud, and that someone on here has it on their 751h.. from what i've seen, its a lot like UNR, which I also haven't tried.. I'll let everyone know how it goes

    In the meantime, does anyone have an opinion on this cloud computing deal? I've never tried it, but it seems like it would be good for me, except that I would have to rely on wi-fi to get anything done. since I bought my 751h, everything I do is online. facebook, youtube, addictinggames, pandora... yeah, I have iTunes and have downloaded a few songs, but not enough to say "hey, I reallly need to keep this"..
    Twan013, Jan 20, 2010
  2. Twan013


    Sep 30, 2009
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    I tried it a month or two back - slow and pants would be my assessment!
    AdamElphick, Jan 20, 2010
  3. Twan013


    Dec 9, 2009
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    Been using it for about a week. Over all I like it alot. Jolicloud, unlike ChormeOS, also allows for local programs and storage. It's still in pre-beta so I'm thinking that the final product will be very nice indeed.
    JamesDax, Jan 20, 2010
  4. Twan013


    Dec 4, 2008
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    been trying to install it for a while now.. first I downloaded the ISO and USB creator hicky from the jolicloud website using windows. everything ran, but I got to 99% of creating the USB iso, and it said that something was corrupted.. did this twice and got the same thing.. I figured I'd try it anyway, thinking it might be a beta bug.. anyway, like a moron, I went straight for an install, and it wiped out my windows.. but joli won't install now. I use the live version to download another copy of joli, and the USb creator, and it worked, it acts like its installed, but when I go to sign in, I get a weird error saying "the last session lasted less than 10 seconds, if you did not exit yourself, there is blah blah blah..."

    So now I'm trying to download AGAIN on the main computer, and seeing if that helps any...
    Twan013, Jan 20, 2010
  5. Twan013


    Jan 13, 2010
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    I overheard you conversation about installing this Joli, and it so happens that I finished installing it about 2 hours ago. It's really great, and don't worry you won't have any trouble with it for it is very simple to use. Why don't you try to install the Pre Express Beta http://www.jolicloud.com/download for it multiboots easily. I currently have Windows 7 and JoliCloud. There is one issue though, it's kinda laggy and I really don't know if it's optimized for the GMA 500. But other than that it is really great, all your drivers are installed including your wi-fi and webcam, mic, etc. With Bluettoh Capability. AndIf i get used to the new OS, I might just make it my defualt. Hopes this review helps you on your quest Twan. If you have any more information please feel free to email me at [email protected] or [email protected]. Have a good day Sir :D .
    Indie, Jan 21, 2010
  6. Twan013


    Dec 9, 2009
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    GMA500 support is a bit sketchy. It's supposed to be fully supported in this pre-beta release but it seems that hardware acceleration is working on some 751s and not others. The devs aren't sure what's going on with that because there dosen't seem to be any difference betweens the machines that work and the ones that don't. Anyway, last I heard they are working with a new driver for the next build. If they can get 3D and video hardware acceleration working this may become my primary OS for my netbook.
    JamesDax, Jan 21, 2010
  7. Twan013


    Jan 13, 2010
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    Same goes for me James, and when is the next build coming out? Will Compiz that feature on the OS that enables graphics features be available? If you have any more recent news and updates that would be most appreciative, Than You :D .
    Indie, Jan 21, 2010
  8. Twan013


    Dec 9, 2009
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    Well, found a fix for the hardware acceleration problem. Go check here: http://getsatisfaction.com/jolicloud/topics/test_gma_500_for_jolicloud and about half way down through the comments a user named Thibaud has instructions on how to get it working. The instructions are in both french and english. I did this and my HD videos now play full screen without so much as a hiccup. Only problem is that there is still no hardware accleration for FlashHD because as we know Flash 10.1 beta2, which this build of Jolicloud is using, dosen't support our gma500. Hopefully that will be fixed by the time it goes final.
    JamesDax, Jan 21, 2010
  9. Twan013


    Dec 4, 2008
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    I give up. It looks like a pretty cool OS, but I just can't get it to work. It either tells me the file is corrupted while making the USB key, or the installer crashes later on, saying that a source file couldn't be found. maybe I'll have better luck when the official version comes out..

    BTW, what hard drive are you guys using? I've got the 160 that originally came in it....

    anyway, in the meantime, guess I'm going back to tiny7
    Twan013, Jan 21, 2010
  10. Twan013


    Jan 13, 2010
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    I'm also using the original look below my sig, can thank you James. You tried the installer? Just message you and I can help you out and maybe instead of using Tiny7 made by eXperince, which i may add is very good. Try getting a full Windows 7 and try the Pre-Beta Installation on it, maybe that would help ^ ^.
    Indie, Jan 21, 2010
  11. Twan013


    Dec 4, 2008
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    So I tried to put tiny7 back on, and was still getting errors. it kept talking about the hard drive.. then I remembered that I had jarred the netbook around for the past couple of days (completely not related to me trying to take the frustration out on the 751...I promise) so I removed the hard drive and reinstalled it. I guess the plug came loose somehow.. Either way, I put tiny7 back on for the time being, and I'm downloading joli again.. wish me luck!
    Twan013, Jan 22, 2010
  12. Twan013


    Dec 9, 2009
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    I installed Jolicloud a couple of days ago and I am pretty pleased with it so far! This is a beta version, so some bugs and limitations are expected.

    - Installation was fast and easy (I chose the setup from within Windows),
    - All hardware was correctly installed without intervention,
    - It looks easy and fun to use
    - It is really fast and responsive
    - It's easy to update and add applications

    Some things that I will have to check out:
    - whether there is a possibility to see the remaining battery percentage in the taskbar
    - whether there is support for Greek keyboard
    - if I keep getting the "freezing" under Jolicloud!

    I will come back with more and updated information.
    Pytheas, Jan 24, 2010
  13. Twan013


    Dec 4, 2008
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    any updates anybody? I've been trying again, and still get the same crap. One question that I haven't thought of so far.. When using a USB creator (whether its jolicloud's, ultraISO, etc.), do you have to make the USB on the same computer that you'll be using it on? What I mean, is do I have to do the whole process on the 751h, if that's what I want to put joli on? Or can I create the USB on another computer and then plug it into the netbook and it work the same? I've tried jolicloud, linux mint, easypeasy, puppy arcade, and of course tiny7..

    tiny7 (used ultraISO, created on one computer, transferred to 751) is the only thing I can get to work..
    jolicloud (tried joli's creator, AND ultraISO both on the 751 and separate computer) gives me a "data corrupted" when trying to make the USB, and when I'm installing, it tells me the CD/DVD could be dirty, or my harddrive is messed up...
    linux mint, (UltraISO from separate computer) tells me "syslinux cannot be found" or something, and won't let me do anything..
    easypeasy,(tried ultraISO and joli's creator) same as joli
    puppy arcade (puppy arcade USB creator) shows the black screen with a flashing underscore, and never does anything..

    What am I doing wrong?? at first I thought it was the fact that I was using a sandisk flash drive with U3, but I've also tried a new PNY and have the same results...
    Twan013, Feb 12, 2010
  14. Twan013


    Jun 16, 2009
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    I would get the U3 deletion utility from Sandisk and remove the U3 partition before creating the Jolicloud USB drive. I believe you can also reinstall U3 later if desired. Also, the HP USB format utility is very handy, but it formats the stick only in FAT or NTFS. I believe the Joli USB creator creates the drive in ext4 (except for the express install), so it shouldn't matter in that case.

    All the above utilities run under Windows.

    Don't know anything about PNY thumb drives...

    Jolicloud is pretty cool on the 751h when you get it up
    jdh1947, Feb 12, 2010
  15. Twan013


    Dec 4, 2008
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    jdh, how is mint on the 751? I used to have it on my old Dell and its the best distro I've ever used. everything that didn't work in ubuntu, did in mint. not to mention it looked a lot better.. I've tried installing Mint on my 751, but no luck.

    I've found out that one problem MIGHT be the md5sum, but that's not it when it comes to the Mint XFCE... I don't think its a problem with my hard drive or my USB, because both are somewhat brand new, and if my hard drive is messed up, why doesn't it give me problems with windows?

    Here what the installation says the problem could be:
    dirty CD/DVD (impossible because I'm using USB)
    I should burn the CD at a slower speed (again, not applicable)
    damaged or old hard drive (that's possible, since acer fudged the bucket with the 751h)

    other sites have mentioned the md5sum being incorrect, but that's not the case in my situation..
    Twan013, Feb 13, 2010
  16. Twan013


    Jun 16, 2009
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    I guess we're a bit off topic here, but briefly, I like Linux Mint for the same reasons you have mentioned. I'm running the Gnome desktop, and it installed OK, except that it comes up in 1024 x 768 screen size, as have most linux distro's I've tried on the AO751h (Jolicloud being a notable exception). I searched the Ubuntu forums and found a lengthy script that fixed the issue; sets screen size to 1366 x 768, and runs the GMA 500 at design speed. For a conventional linux notebook setup, i prefer Mint, but for netbook style setup, Jolicloud is my preference.

    Have you tried other USB sticks? Have you run scandisk or some other error check utility on the hdd?
    jdh1947, Feb 13, 2010
  17. Twan013


    Dec 4, 2008
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    Now that you mention it, I used to get a chkdsk message everytime I would boot up. but I never got any results. Once it finished running, windows would boot up, and the only odd-ball thing I could see was that it said "everything.exe could not be found". I googled that, and it appears to be a search engine of sorts, but it may actually be a new virus. Anyway, I haven't been getting the issues since re-installing tiny7. But is it possible that there are still remnants that have messed up my hard drive? Can a trojan or any virus physically damage a hard drive? I know they can damage information, but can it cause unrepairable damage?
    Twan013, Feb 14, 2010
  18. Twan013


    Dec 9, 2009
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    Coming back to Jolicloud, I keep using it occasionally but I find it hard to replace my Windows installation.
    There is no support for Greek language yet and the incompatibilities between Open Office and MS Office makes it almost unusable, if the reports have to be in the MS Office format...

    I really enjoy using Jolicloud though, and try to keep up with any updates because it is a really well-made implementation of a Linux distribution working flawlessly in our netbooks!
    Pytheas, Feb 14, 2010
  19. Twan013


    Oct 29, 2009
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    I have loaded Jolicloud and it works fine with a wired internet connection but I can't get the wireless to work. Does anyone have wireless connectivity with Jolicloud on the AO751h? If so, is your wireless indicator on the keyboard lit? The switch doesn't seem to do anything under Jolicloud. What settings did you use to get the wireless to work?
    Cal_User, Feb 27, 2010
  20. Twan013


    Jan 13, 2010
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    Indie, Feb 27, 2010
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