Google Chromium OS

Discussion in 'Modding and Customization' started by shawfield, Nov 27, 2009.

  1. shawfield


    Sep 20, 2008
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    Just got the 'geek-leak' of this new browser based OS. Its not even at 'beta' stage yet, so probably lots will change.

    But it runs pretty good on my Aspire One ZG5. 10 second boot up. Pretty quick until you open more than
    two 'tabs', when it starts to get a slow. Wifi works fine, even the led works. Flash is included in the OS
    so web streaming video ( iPlayer Youtube etc ) all work fine. Streaming music web sites are good too.

    Its running from a USB key ( 4gb ), so if it were included on future Aspire One's in the Motherboard,
    then its likely to be blazing fast, once the thing is properly finished that is ( next October I think ).

    Of course its only any good if you are happy with 'cloud computing' as it doesnt access hard drives & everything
    is stored online, usually by google themselves with Google Docs etc.

    Worth a look.
    shawfield, Nov 27, 2009
  2. shawfield

    Guest Guest

    what size is this file?
    would it fit on a 2gb flash drive?
    Guest, May 17, 2010
  3. shawfield


    Aug 11, 2008
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    Actually, that is a really old file, and I'm not even sure that was an actual image. Check out for more details on current builds - apparently the download size is only 327MB now and does indeed fit on a 2GB flash drive. You're in luck! :D
    DiSK, May 21, 2010
  4. shawfield


    Nov 24, 2009
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    Once Chrome OS has grub support, Ill run it. I would love to set up a system like the android/windows aspire ones, except with chrome, and then use a grub script to launch into windows.

    Ive played around with it, runs great on a usb stick. Had various issues running from hdd or sd. The version before the version before Flow (2 versions ago) ran fine from SD, but had very crappy broadcom wifi support. The current version Flow runs great.

    (and yes I know hexxeh's isnt the official version, but its currently the only end user version thats still being developed.)
    hartleyshc, May 23, 2010
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