Got a problem need help

Discussion in 'MacOS' started by pazy007, Sep 15, 2009.

  1. pazy007


    Sep 14, 2009
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    Hi all,

    I am making a hackintosh on my acer aspire one as you will have probaly guessed due to me posting, i am having a few problems with the installation tho,

    Ive upgraded my wifi card so that it will be compatible,

    I was going to follow the iDeneb 1.4 guide on this site, but when i try to install i get an error, the you need to 'restart your computer error' so i cannot get past it,
    ive done a bit of searching for a fix or work around and had no luck

    so i tried a Kalaway disk that i had, slightly better result everything loads and what not, but when it come to actually installing it says 'could not write so file \volumes to hard disk' or something like that again i look for a work around but nothing.

    At the moment i am downloading iATKOS v7 DVD but its taking ages,

    So what i would like to know is there anyone that can help me with one of my problems.

    If you need anymore info just ask

    I am hoping to get this fixed for the end of the week because i wanted my hackintosh finished by then as i start back uni and need a laptop to take in with me.

    pazy007, Sep 15, 2009
  2. pazy007


    Mar 27, 2009
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    i think you're getting a kernel panic. you should check which version of bios your computer has. in some cases you might need to upgrade the firmware.

    also, you might want to search the forum to see which guide fits the specs on your machine. the 8.9 and the 10.1 and the others usually dont have the same hardware, so the installation instructions varies.
    yohko101, Sep 16, 2009
  3. pazy007


    Sep 14, 2009
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    ok thanks for the help,

    I have an AOA 150 the same that is used in diablos ideneb install guide on this site so i was just trying to follow that guide.

    I would love to use ideneb as it seems to have the most support, on this site anyway

    I have made some progress since yesterday tho but unfortuatly i have hit a wall again,

    I have installed kalyway with a 10.5.3 kernal all went well but now updating the kernal ive upgraded it to 10.5.4 but now my laptop keyboard or touch pad dont work.

    So that is my new question is the a fix for this?
    pazy007, Sep 16, 2009
  4. pazy007


    Sep 10, 2009
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    have you tried the xXx install disc if not i would reccomend it
    funnyfoo0, Sep 16, 2009
  5. pazy007


    Sep 14, 2009
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    i have not tried the xXx install disc

    Why does it go recomended
    pazy007, Sep 16, 2009
  6. pazy007


    Mar 27, 2009
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    in order to get the keyboard working and mouse, you'll need to install the acpinub.kext (i dont know if i spelled it right) and the ps2/keyboard.kext fix and controller. if you can get to the install screen, you can use the terminal to maybe copy the kexts from ur usb to ur /Volumes/hard drive/System/Library/Extensions . you can also check the voodoo ps2/keyboard/controller kexts. those also work and supports the finger gestures.
    yohko101, Sep 17, 2009
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