Grand Theft Auto Thread GTA

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hertzian56, Dec 16, 2023.

  1. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Played the new install for hours last night and no problems. I had a menyoo trainer in there too along with a fling trainer at the same time. Menyoo works fine except for some reason it won't let me speed up the player walk run and swimming. The menu toggle is there but it won't increase when touched. The other options work fine so not sure what's going on there. I guess I could try the fling trainer's general "speed up player " option see how that works. The menyoo version doesn't just make the world go faster under your feet it actually speeds up the player which is better imo, like he's on roids or something. For the underwater collectibles the swimming is really nice to speed up.

    I still get the mp online cars using menyoo spawner too, no add on spawner etc needed to access the mp stuff that they add to these releases. They usually look to have a mid year and end of year update to this game that's larger so maybe this year is the last year of that since 6 is set to be released in mid 25. And it's surprising to me that the 3-2020 and 12-2020 updated games have about 10-25 gb less install size to them then the current 1.68 version updated 12-2023 which looks to be about 112gb sized on install. So one "heist" online dlc is about 10gb in size.

    The march 2020 1.50 version was 88gb installed, the december cayo heist update in 12-2020 is 98gb installed. I also have the 1.41 version which is just 72gb installed and I may try that at some point but I had the 1.52 newer version installed already and it does work. For SP you're better off having the smallest install you can get and then modding in specific stuff you want instead of getting all the extra bloat from the MP updates that have GBs of useless assets for SP offline players. The earliest version I saw uncompressed was 59gb in size likely a few more when installed so about 60-70gb install is likely the smallest PC version of this game you're going to get.

    I think RS really needs to do a base release version that has only the sp offline needed assets in it, THEN the stuff that will be locked to online MP is ADD ONs only. Even offer JUST a separate story mode version without the bloat of MP online used files. Likely tens of gbs difference and going forward with online heists and such this will not be required for SP players and so won't bloat the install size wastefully. I do not plan on using 6 in any way, the series is completely done for me all games in my library already done but it would help others who will continue with this series.

    This series to me is like COD. I played 1-2-WW-and the first one or two black ops classics that had good sp campaigns but this series is just online killathon focused for a decade now and I don't bother with it since then. Don't even go back and play those ancient classics 1-2-ww, too old.
    Hertzian56, Feb 2, 2024
  2. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Hertzian56, Feb 2, 2024
  3. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Booted up GTA IV v107 again last night and I got the famous bug at the last part where your button mashing isn't effective to get pulled into the chopper to take out the soprano mob boss figure, pegorino. I might look up how to fix that if at all, it's the last mission and there's MUCH less post campaign stuff to do in IV than 5. Only thing would be the strangers and freaks and I can go and do those before that mission really. What I don't like is the ramrodding into doing the last few missions, like you have no control over when you do them. The game just gives you one objective on your map once you get the call and no choice since nothing else is available. This happens in the last few missions of the game starting with the floric or whoever niko's after gets dumped at your feet, then the wedding then the final revenge mega mission which needed to be broken up into smaller missions.
    Hertzian56, Feb 22, 2024
  4. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Finished GTA IV. The helicopter bug glitch can be solved by using NCP or other to limit the fps to 30. I also used both controller and keyboard space button at the same time to spam the button to climb up into the copter. This bug was patched out on PC for later versions than the 107 base game I have I think. Not sure what console users do if they use an older version of the game.

    It's kind of a let down ending tbh and the guy you're hunting and getting him one way or another should have been the ending imo I think RS just felt they needed a big action movie ending rather than the wimper of either killing or sparing the guy Niko is looking for the whole game. Niko goes through all that just for revenge from years ago idk pretty crazy. Niko is a psychopath. Normal person would just have moved on with time and distance from all that, not become a gangster to get revenge. And weirdly the guy looks like he could be Nikos real brother almost a twin very strange.

    It's a much grittier and better story than 5 and is on par with SA hence why I think those are the two best of the series, story wise. And typical RS gameplay is always great so they're tied for best imo SA and 4. 5 is by far the best open world of the series and the story isn't bad at all just more action movie to it and extreme to be extreme and grab attention. I think the seriousness of 4 is reflected in the muddy tones and realistic driving and by far the best AI and detailed interactions and such. Only RDR2 has the same level of realism and details like that and in the RS stable of games 4 and RDR2 are really niche for certain types of players who don't mind more slow and detailed instead of action movie type of game.

    I think 6 should be a good blend if RS was doing it's job these last 12-13 years in the GTA aspect. If it's not the best game ever it'll be a huge let down and sadly the protag doesn't fare well for that. GTA players don't want some tranny fatty latina main player especially for SoFL. A rags to riches tony montana would be more in line with the thematics of SoFL especially with the past Vice City references. The over integration of social media doesn't fare too well for it either, it's hard to say from one trailer but it didn't look too good imo. And waiting this long is too long even for GTA, they seem to be doing way too trendy stuff here, would have been better off doing a smaller game and switching venues despite tradition of LC-CA-SoFL which seems to be locked in. NOLA, Chicago, London etc would have worked and been a built in freshness for the series. Even a montreal. In other words a location that is diverse geographically, waterways, country, city, burbs.

    I also think the online aspect just waters it down and turns it into a killathon like any other no reason to pay a premium for something that's there to waste time keep people entertained. Probably get as much fun out of an F2P and pay only what you want with transactions and such. Likely won't need 200gb sitting around either. RS made their choice with GTAO so they better hope the very segmented market for online games can be overcome with brand name recognition.

    The forced inclusion of all the online assets for SP players in GTA 5 is a huge turnoff, who wants to have to have 10gb added to their install every heist that can't be done in sp mode offline? I went and got GTA 5 v141 just to have as little of that useless bloat as possible. The 152 install I have is 11gb bigger than the 1.50 I had just due to one big heist being added which I get nothing from as an offline SP so from 89gb to 98gb. The v141 is before that heist so installs at only 72gb. Sure it has less new cars to spawn with a trainer but I just don't need another hot supercar or suv to enjoy the game more. I'll likely find the space to install 141 and once I confirm it works and just get a menyoo trainer, which the repack includes btw, working then done. Delete 152 save almost 30gb of useless bloat. I'm not going to play the sewer of GTAO EVER.
    Hertzian56, Feb 23, 2024
  5. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    They did the same thing with RDR2, but there the online assets are minimal really and RDRO is largely abandoned now, what a waste. For that they went and put in New Austin desert area which is mostly never used in the SP mode at all so it was modeled and added in for either online and or to do an RDR1 add on which never came about. I mean it's nice and all but likely an extra 30gb at least to the games size for almost no benefit. They needed to cut off the RDR2 map at the thieves landing area across the map. So you've got blackwater and tall trees, great plains, swamps then invisible wall going up or broken bridges etc. But we got it for online mostly, more room to killathon and heists etc

    RS didn't realize that an open world western themed period is not going to have the following that a modern era cars, planes and such is going to have. It's too slow for younger people and not enough excitement all the time, horses are slow and take more input to keep going and such. Better off with a lower graphics and quality but faster western game that's F2P or minimal cost and install size for the online dollar game.
    Hertzian56, Feb 23, 2024
  6. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I'm obviously in the nice exception of not playing online at all and don't plan on it ever. Too much hassle and it's really just for getting players more and more addicted to them. I have enough addiction problems with games, I don't need the hassle of servers and all the aholes online.

    I really hope a base game for offline or at least SP only is separate for 6 and a completely separate online version is sold. The SP mode only being just the base size and fixed assets with no GB sized additions unless they're also SP mode dlcs or made available for purchase dlcs. Then the online version is understood to be for logging into servers and playing with others only and will get GBs added to it with heists and online only DLCs so players can expect to need 200+gb and growing for it. They seemed to get this with RDRO but was half assed and abandoned for the niche audience it would have so not enough profit for them to continue adding major things to it. GTA obviously won't have this problem.

    I expect the base SP GTA6 to be somewhere in the 200gb size and for online every new heist will add 10-20gb. With RS update and release schedule this means one or two major updates a year with 1-2 new heist DLCs for online per year so in the first year you'll get 20-40gb extra sized on top of the 200 base. After 2 years you'll need close to 300gb for the same game just with online dlcs added to it if you choose to pay for them. And this game will likely need an SSD install at least probably NVME as a recommended.
    Hertzian56, Feb 23, 2024
  7. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So yeah decided to install v141 of GTA V to save almost 30gb of space. So I moved 1.52 to an hdd and made sure it works fine and it does, just takes a bit longer to load in is all and also if you don't have a third party firewall you need to approve outgoing stuff for it always tries to go online. So it did hang with a verification screen until I tabbed out and denied it's request to go online with my free 3rd party firewall. Once I did that it started loading into sp mode immediately. And it worked fine, there's no FPS loss and this game was designed well back in the HDD era so it works fine on one. Only benefit to an SSD or NVME install is the initial load in would be 1-2mins faster, no benefit in game.

    141 I'll miss out on the vehicles added later in the online updates that Ioad in via Menyoo. The only ones I'd care much about are the F1-indycars, the jetpack, the dominator jet bike, and a few odds and ends supercars don't care much about. The Sanchez Scout also would miss out on. Nothing I can't live without the jet bike and the jet pack will be the most missed, esp the jetpack which makes exploring rooftops much easier and better. A few planes and helis would be missed too like the a10 warthog and the comanche helicopter, kinda sucks. I'm not modding this game at all since it's still so twitchy and buggy can be corrupted like my 1.52 install was. So it's just the menyoo and 141 repacker included the right version for it so no hassles.

    But the difference between a 98gb install and a 72gb install is worth it imo. There is an even smaller v133 version up there but it's an even larger download than 141 at 36gb, 141 is only a 30gb download. v133 installs at 10gb less around 64gb. The V1 for pc uncompressed with all languages etc included released in may 2015 is 59gb. AFAIK no one repacked it and broke up languages etc likely would have been 30-36gb repack size.
    Hertzian56, Feb 24, 2024
  8. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Yeah installed 141 and works fine, only difference are the missing vehicles and such mentioned above and the only ones I particularly care about is the jetpack and maybe the dominator jetbike. The F1-indycars were cool also but not too useful in SP mode, maybe just to blow out the street racing AI even more I guess pretty easy anyways. So yeah it installs at 72.6 gb Vs the 98gb of 1.52 so almost 30gb saved for no difference in SP other than the missing new vehicles. The repack included a working Menyoo with the correct scripthook which isn't as easy to find years later. Works great.

    1.52 had the cayo perico heist included but of course SP offline had no way to access a whole new island, there are hacky mods to get to it but just to look at and RS put it above the Yankton map way out in the ocean past the aircraft carrier or above it so it's a pain. The last update was 1.68 Dec 2023 and is about 112gb one language. So I'm guessing the online will be merged with 6 in 2025 when it's released on consoles, likely 2027 for pc release. Likely the last purely gtaV based online update will be mid 2025 or dec 2025, 1.71 or 1.72.

    Of course they've added nothing to SP since it released almost, there is no official SP offline really since you have to login to RS launcher to even play SP campaign mode but they've added nothing, not even unlocked the heists for SP offline play nor officially added any of the online cars into SP mode. Only way I get them is menyoo scripthook adds them in when I load them, they don't spawn in game or anything. Pitiful greed by RS aholes. Same thing pulled with the now abandoned RDR2 including RDRO, only updates they do is for the launcher that's it. Last update for RDR2/O was in 2022. Likely GTA IV is the last SP focused game RS will ever do again with full DLCs, EFLC. Online tripe focused for revenue stream. We might get an RDR3 with a story since online just doesn't work nearly as good for a slower period piece game like that maybe RS learned that maybe not. But it will be at least 5 years after GTA6 so you're talking 2030 console and 2032 pc. God willing I'll be done with most games by then, better hobbies.
    Hertzian56, Feb 24, 2024
  9. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Just thought I'd mention that when you install NVME to NVME it's a lot faster. My first try that I wasn't willing to wait for was from my external HDD via USB3 cable installing to an internal NVME was over an hour and still had 1.5hrs left which is likely 45mins or so in reality.

    When I abandoned that and just moved the repack installer to my internal NVME OS drive to then install on my secondary internal NVME game drive it took about an hour total or maybe little less to install. 30gb repack to 72.6gb fully installed gtav 1.41. Worked fine for a couple hours last night just had to find the different save game location for this version, I think the other ones use a goldberg SC folder whereas this earlier version used one of the standard places like Documents RSC gtav profiles or the other one in the steam programdata folder which I just copied backed up saves to and saw they worked.
    Hertzian56, Feb 24, 2024
  10. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    So I had some basic race track mods for GTA V impromptu races, illegal street races and I also put in Community races mod and wow I think illegal street races must have the right mix of scripthookV and scripthookVdotnet since I saw over 40 new icons for racing all over the map. It's really great if you like the driving in GTA V which is hella fun for me with all the cars and bikes. So post campaign can be a lot of fun too and with the replay all the missions and strangers/freaks replays it's like the perfect game to play really. Switch between characters for more flavor too.

    I also grabbed Community Races but need to grab the updated version since it has a bug where the race starts but you are not warped into the car you choose to race with. There are a lot of track packs for that mod alone on the main gta V mods site
    Hertzian56, Feb 25, 2024
  11. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    I couldn't get community races to work right, the original version shows in game but you don't spawn in the car you select so you have to run or spawn a car then catch up to everyone else in the race. Not fun. Street Races works fine for me but is only about 38 new races and doesn't have much offroad or much in the paleto bay area. Community races has these mega packs of easily over 100 races all over the map but it needs a newer version of the game or ScripthookVdotnet then I can use for other mods compatibility so I'm stuck there. Only way to do it would be to try to convert the community races files to work in Street Races but it's a lot of work and you'd need macros to automate a lot of it, no thanks.

    I also grabbed a mod that shows the collectibles on the map which is a must, the world is too big and they put the letters, spaceship parts, peyote plants and others in way too out of the way areas to ever find them all even exploring a lot. I don't know what RS was thinking, even only 50 of each is going to be damn near impossible for people who don't play 1000hrs of this game on the SP offline which aint' going to happen. You'd get boredAF with this long before that and I'm just coming back after years to have this be my main game. So I have to use the older version that uses LUA scripting which works ok, I was getting crashes due to access violations which usually means missing assets OR the folder with the lua file was set to READ ONLY, once I changed that it's fine.

    The problem is that the little map icons don't disappear once you find them so you have to really work and do it over a couple days so you know the ones you already have. I've got around 30 of the space ship parts, letter scraps, not doing the other ones. The peyote plants just transform you into a dog which isn't that fun. The Epsilon ones you can only do as Michael and I usually play as Franklin so I'll have to switch I guess. Epsilon is only about 20 pieces the rest are 50.

    I also put in Lively World mod which adds more random stuff happening in the game, just a little spice there is all.
    Hertzian56, Feb 27, 2024
  12. Hertzian56


    Mar 19, 2023
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    Alright so I still get crashes eventually from this Lua script plugin needed for the collectibles on the map. What I did was use menyoo to just teleport to each blip and got the letters, the sub parts and most of the space ship parts done.

    I still can't get the last 10 spaceship parts via teleporting to them very weird. I only care about the extra mission for Franklin and the letters though. The spaceship parts only give you a car that I have spawned in with menyoo it's not that interesting so I'm going to abandon that and take the LUA script out, not worth it and I don't care about peyote crap. The Epsilon stuff isn't there even as michael so I must have not joined epsilon or done somethign wrong there before when I did the epsilon missions years ago, doesn't show up so not goign to worry about it.

    Still it's a fast way to get those done or most of them without all the crazy amount of exploration you'd need to find all of them. RS should have had them on the map as an optional filter, similar to CP77 and the NCPD scanner. There's a newer map mod available but I can't update the SHVDN to the 3.6 latest version to use it as my game likely wouldn't be supported, but that's GTAV modding for you.
    Hertzian56, Feb 27, 2024
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