GRUB issues and Windows 7

Discussion in 'Windows' started by joeblurton, Jan 27, 2009.

  1. joeblurton


    Jan 12, 2009
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    Right, my first real post on here. I'm just sorry it's to ask for help!

    I, like many of you, will have been tempted by the shiny-looking new Windows 7 Beta. I managed to install this on the AAO without a glitch, and it ran like a dream. The only problem, naturally, was that I lost my "native" Ubuntu installation's bootloader. No problem, I thought, as I could use Super Grub Disk to get it back. I used an external DVD drive to load both the Win 7 installation and SGD, but SGD couldn't find the requisite Ubuntu loader. Well, to cut a long story short I managed to wipe my MBR and have rescued Ubuntu with a Live USB (my external DVD drive seems to have destroyed itself somewhere along the way...)

    Unfortunately, GRUB doesn't recognise the new Win 7 installation, mounted on dev3. The whole Win 7 system worked perfectly, and dev3 still has a boot flag on it (visible in GParted)... what can you guys suggest to get GRUB to see Win 7? Obviously, now that I'm without a DVD drive this makes things harder, although I see people have got around this. Still... I do have a functioning Win 7 system on here somewhere, if only I could get GRUB to see it. I've tried
    sudo update-grub
    but this only shows my Linux kernels (Ubuntu, eeeXubuntu and Mandriva 2009).

    Any help with this would be much appreciated!


    joeblurton, Jan 27, 2009
  2. joeblurton


    Jan 12, 2009
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    Just a quick update: I've managed to make Win 7 bootable by manually editing GRUB to start the Windows chainloader at hd0,2, but I can't get further than Win 7 Startup Repair, which doesn't fix anything or get anywhere. Any ideas there?
    joeblurton, Jan 27, 2009
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