Guide: iPC 10.5.6 and Encrypted XP on D150-1165

Discussion in 'MacOS' started by yohko101, Apr 23, 2009.

  1. yohko101


    Mar 27, 2009
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    Disclaimer: Use at your own risk :p information comes 'as is'. If you're not sure what you are doing, please do not attempt. And be sure to back up the stuff you need ^^ ok, enough said.

    So i decided to re-do my current set up on my D150. I've read a very interesting post : credits to naquaada for a safe system guide. I've also been reading on encrypting our portable laptops. So, from what I found out, there is no open source solution yet for disk encryption for OS X. There is for Windows and Linux. So today, what I will try to attempt is not only install iPC on the D150, but also have an encrypted windows partition! This guide is also based on the A150 guide found here:

    Software: iPC 10.5.6, Windows XP, TrueCrypt

    TrueCrypt is free and can do a partition encryption for Windows. And they have a OSX version too.

    1) Boot the OS X installer and open the Disk Utility. Format Your Partition as follows (size depending on you):

    1st Parition: XP - 15.9 Gb (FAT)
    2nd Partition: Leopard - XX Gb (Macintosh Journaled) where XX is what's left
    3rd Partition: Recovery - 15.9 Gb (Macintosh Journaled)
    4th Partition: Shared - 30.9 Gb (Macintosh Journaled)


    1st Parition: XP - 15.9 Gb (FAT)
    2nd Partition: Leopard - XX Gb (Macintosh Journaled) where XX is what's left

    The first setup is based on the Creating a very safe OS X system. The second setup is if you just want a plain one. Use the MBR option for either.

    2) Exit the installer and Reboot the machine.

    3) Install Windows XP. When it comes to Selecting where to install Windows, you will see the partitions you have created. C: should have FAT32. You can keep it or delete this partition and recreate it using the windows installer. After, continue installation. The reason I did this is because i will use the windows bootloader to load OSX and this has something to do with the MBR, Darwin, and TrueCrypt. NTFS-3g has trouble mounting on properly with TrueCrypt so beware. So far, i manage to mount my encrypted NTFS partition with the latest MacFuse and NTFS-3g.

    4) Install OS X. My customized settings are as follows:

    Kernel -> Voodoo 9.5.0
    Drivers -> Video Drivers -> Intel GMA 950
    Drivers -> Chipset Drivers -> Intel ICHx SATA Drivers
    Drivers -> Ethernet -> Attansic L1 Ethernet
    Drivers -> Wireless -> Broadcom Driver (i have a dw 1490 installed)
    Drivers -> Power Management -> AppleACPI BAttery Manager
    Fixes and Patchet -> Dual Boot time sync
    Fixes and Patchet -> Seatbelt.kext 10.5.5
    Fixes and Patchet -> PS/2 Devices -> PS/2 Keyboard Fix
    Fixes and Patchet -> AppleSMBios Patch -> AppleSMBIOSEFI

    5) Reboot. Once you reboot, boot from the harddrive. If you notice, you will see on your screen flash boot0:done, boot1:MBR or something like that and your computer will automatically boot to windows. DO NOT PANIC. This is normal. Open windows. We will now use the chain0 method to boot our newly installed OSX: There are instructions on how to get the chain0 file on the link.

    6) Open to your C:\ drive. Copy the chain0 file to your C:\ drive. Open the boot.ini file located in the same place. You should have an entry like this:

    [boot loader]
    [operating systems]
    multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect
    C:\chain0 = "OSX"
    Save the file and reboot. Now you'll see a list of choices to boot from. Pick OSX. This will open up Darwin/Chameleon. And you'll get a list of which partition OSX you would want to boot to.

    To get the rest of the stuff working:

    The rest of this section is based off another thread, credits to SbM for the hard work: and

    -Download: Download and Unzip the contents. You should see a folder named Diablo's Kext. ...

    -Launch "Kext Helper b7". Using the program, install "Natit.kext", "AppleIntelIntegratedFramebuffer.kext", and "AppleIntelGMA950.kext" under part 1 of Diablo's Kext. These 3 extensions are for the Graphics.

    -I installed next the Aboutthismac package and the DoNotSleep.mpkg.

    -Afterwards, Launch "" and click "Enable/Disable Quartz GL". Click "Enable Quartz GL" in the small translucent black window that pops up. Click "Restart".

    -Working Sound from the internal speakers and autoswitching if headphones are plugged in. I haven't messed around with the mic, but i''m happy i can use itunes lol! Thanks to Brambo for the post and the voodoo team for the kext! ... pic=161638

    -What you'll need. If you want to compile for yourself, you'll need Xcode (about 1gb download and install it before compiling) from Apple and the source code from the voodoo team.

    Voodoo Team released a zip for the kext. So you can just download it and load it to your machine.

    -Open the terminal.

    # svn checkout [url][/url] voodoohda-read-only
    # cd voodoohda-read-only
    # sudo ./ build
    This will download the source code on its own folder and it should be located in your home directory. The helper is a script to build the kext. After this go to you /System/Library/Extensions folder. Copy your AppleHDA.kext, any AzaliaAudio.kext, and HDAenabler.kext. This will be your back up so put it in a safe place. Delete those files. Reboot. Open the Terminal again.

    # sudo ./ load
    This will now load the kext. Open your Disk Utility and repair the permissions on the drive just in case. You should have sounds by now. Reboot. If you open your Sound on the Pref Pane, and don't see or hear anything, don't worry. Open the Kext Helper b7 app. Now, on finder, open the voodoohda-read-only folder. There should be a tmp folder that was created when you loaded VoodooHDA.kext for the first time. Select the the kext and install it. Reboot the machine, and you should have the sound working now without having to reload the kext.

    If you don't want to compile the kext on your own, i've attached a copy of what i compiled here

    After the reboot, the screen should have been resized to 1024x600.

    7) You can continue with naquaada's guide to a very safe osx. The next steps are to create back up images from each other. OR

    8) Encrypting Windows: Reboot to your windows partition. Download TrueCrypt for Windows. Read the beginner's tutorial on the website so you can be familar how the app works. So, open TrueCrypt. Here's a nice tutorial on the step by step: Step 1 to 4 is the same. On step 5, select Encrypt windows system partition. Then, head over to step 7. You can select the Single-boot. Then just keep following until step 14. Once it reboots, you should see a screen similar to Step 15.

    Choose only to encrypt the windows partition, otherwise, our OSX partitions might be toast, and you'll have to repeat from step 1.

    9) Reboot and check if you can boot back in your Windows and OSX partitions. Afterwards, you can mount your Windows partition with TrueCrypt inside OSX.

    10) Congratulations, you're done! Now change your BIOS password. Change the boot sequence to boot directly to IDE0 first. So now, if you lose your laptop, they'll have to provide the password to TrueCrypt to be able to boot your Windows or OS X partition. The only system that is potentially accessible still is OSX (thats if they take apart the computer and pull out the drive and put it in another machine). To secure your other documents inside OS X, i saw this link: and

    yohko101, Apr 23, 2009
  2. yohko101


    Jul 23, 2008
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    London, UK
    In the installation part, you said install the gma950 drivers. Then you install the same drivers from diablos kext pack. No point in that because the ones on the dvd dont work so may aswell remove i from the guide.
    Great job none the less.
    rory, Apr 24, 2009
  3. yohko101


    Apr 26, 2009
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    I have trouble install the voodoohda. And I can't find the kext you have complied on the site. Pls repost.

    "If you don't want to compile the kext on your own, i've attached a copy of what i compiled here"

    asdcom, Apr 26, 2009
  4. yohko101


    Mar 27, 2009
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    yohko101, Apr 27, 2009
  5. yohko101


    Apr 26, 2009
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    Thanks very much. The voodooHDA works great with my D150 internal speakers and autoswitching. But I found another issue, the voice level is too low with headphone plug in, it turns songs into Karaoke type songs. Do you have a solution to it? Thanks. :cool:
    asdcom, May 7, 2009
  6. yohko101


    Mar 27, 2009
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    unfortunately, the voodooHDA driver is under testing. The best we can do for the moment is wait until the voodoo team releases a revised kext. :)
    yohko101, May 7, 2009
  7. yohko101


    Apr 26, 2009
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    asdcom, May 11, 2009
  8. yohko101


    Mar 27, 2009
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    i've tried that kext before. It seems to work or designed for the samsung nc10 i believe. for me, it didn't work. I think it needs a HDAenabler or injector (specific from what i was reading around the insanelymac forums. So i gave up until someone posted a link to the voodoohda thread here. So i've been using the voodoohda instead.
    yohko101, May 12, 2009
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