Discussion in 'Linux' started by Rofa, Nov 26, 2008.

  1. Rofa


    Aug 19, 2008
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    I have just re-installed Linpus Lite after a somewhat disappointing experience with Mandriva 2008.1 and 2009.
    So I installed XFCE desktop switch and ran the updates.
    The problem I have is this.

    If I close down and re-boot from the standard desktop there are no problems.
    If I close down and re-boot from XFCE the HAL issue raises it's head. Only thing affected is that I cannot connect to a wireless netwok.

    Is there a fix for this?
    If not i shall do a re-install at my leisure - but it would be nice not to have to!

    Many thanks in advance.
    Rofa, Nov 26, 2008
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