
Discussion in 'Modding and Customization' started by Deliberatus, Oct 9, 2011.

  1. Deliberatus


    Jan 3, 2011
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    Wow, it's super portable, so you can tote it everywhere- and add 3 more pounds for the tote it's inside of.
    Smooth move Acer, you forgot to put a handle on it. :idea:

    The original Aspire one, no handle. They got a clue, made the screen larger, 11.6", and still no handle.
    Not I have the timeline X... no handle. what's it take, a presidential phone call? :roll:

    Look, make the case include a pair of interlocking handles, pivoted; when in use, the upper one flips back and hangs down behind the screen, the other one flips under and helps support the body. in carry mode, the 2 half handles form a complete grip, and snap together- little wings let you pop them apart. it stays shut, the povots allow for sway, it's all good- and you don't need to have a tote. Now for the artistic users who want it to look brandy new, the sleeve to cover it can open from the side, not the end, and be stretchy, so it is a tight elastic fit, and does not fall off.

    How come a grunt in the trenches like me can think of this, but these howlingly well paid people who control things blow it badly? :?:
    Deliberatus, Oct 9, 2011
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