HELP - 60GB of HDD space gone somewhere.

Discussion in 'Linux' started by Guest, Jan 3, 2009.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Hi. Hope this is the correct board for this post.

    Have a AAO 120gb linpus with 1.5gb ram.

    I've recently attempted to back up the HDD to an external USB HDD drive, and used the teminal command
    dd if=/dev/zero of=zero; rm -f zero
    to clear unused space prior to back up.

    Successfully restored from the back up, so that process worked OK, but now I find I've only got 39.5GB of 109GB space free on my HDD (as reported by Thunar).

    I don't know where all the space has gone I've not downloaded anything large in size, just upgraded to FireFox 3 and Open Office 3. If I search using Thunar (invoked from sudo thunar) I can't find any file > 1GB in either root, file system, user or desktop folders.

    Have also cleared the trash folder.

    I reckon I've got 60GB unaccounted for. Can someone suggest how to find & reclaim this space.

    Guest, Jan 3, 2009
  2. Guest


    Nov 30, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Rotterdam, the Netherlands
    you could try something like this in a terminal,
    cd / && for a in * ; do du -sh ${a} ; done
    that should point out what dir in the root is containing a huge file (or files) that is filling your hd

    *note* you might want to unmount any network drives you got mounted before yah do this

    hth ^^
    DarthPhoeniX, Jan 3, 2009
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Thanks. Get the output below. Nothing massive, but don't know what the cannot access items refer to.

    Thunbar File Manager shows 39.1GB free of 109.0GB

    [root@localhost /]# cd / && for a in * ; do du -sh ${a} ; done
    5.2M bin
    14M boot
    64K dev
    27M etc
    0 halt
    692M home
    52K initrd
    30M lib
    24K lost+found
    20M media
    4.0K misc
    692M mnt
    4.0K net
    551M opt
    0 poweroff
    du: cannot access `proc/12484/task/12484/fd/4': No such file or directory
    du: cannot access `proc/12484/task/12484/fdinfo/4': No such file or directory
    du: cannot access `proc/12484/fd/4': No such file or directory
    du: cannot access `proc/12484/fdinfo/4': No such file or directory
    0 proc
    5.8M root
    4.0K RPM
    8.3M sbin
    20K selinux
    4.0K srv
    0 sys
    20K tmp
    1.9G usr
    523M var
    [root@localhost /]#
    Guest, Jan 3, 2009
  4. Guest


    Nov 30, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Rotterdam, the Netherlands
    that's odd indeed o.o

    df -h
    tell the same as thunar?
    or does
    cd / && ls -lha
    show hidden files that takes a lot of space?

    otherwise i hope that someone else can you with this one
    DarthPhoeniX, Jan 3, 2009
  5. Guest


    Oct 24, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Macles instruction wasn't actually that good -- you have a file that isn't reclaimed. You need to force a fsck BEFORE you finish booting now.

    Make sure you are plugged in, without a battery. Pull the plug (make sure nothing is running).

    Turn the machine on -- it will take 5 to 10 minutes at the "blue screen", have patience. If the hard disk light stops for a minute, power off and then on again.

    Your space should then be back. If not, run terminal, and then check "/lost+found" for any files.
    fweigel, Jan 7, 2009
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