Help! Can not get keyboard surround off!

Discussion in 'Laptop Hardware' started by ahovis, Nov 17, 2008.

  1. ahovis


    Nov 1, 2008
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    Well I decided to add some RAM to my Acer and as I often work on the internals of my laptops, I figured no big deal. Wrong. I got the keyboard off (not as easy as described to free the three clips on the back) and then started removing the keyboard surrond. I got it poped loose around the edges but the front (trackpad part) and the back battery cover are stuck down to the motherboard with some type of sticky tape and it will not release. So to prevent damage I put it back as it was and was glad all still works as I was doing some serious tugging. Guess they really don't want you messing with the ram for some reason. Anyone else been here and found a way forward? Sure would like to get that extra 512 meg ram.
    ahovis, Nov 17, 2008
  2. ahovis


    Jul 23, 2008
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    London, UK
    not being funny, but have you undone all the screws?
    there should be 8, 5 big, and 3 small
    rory, Nov 17, 2008
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