Help getting Trash can on green Files panel

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by rufinorosado, Aug 9, 2008.

  1. rufinorosado


    Aug 9, 2008
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    Hello. I need some help figuring out how to put a shortcut to the trash bin/trash can folder on my desktop. I would like to put the icon on the green "files" panel for easier access.

    Tried editing the group-app.xml file in these four ways:
    <app sequence="8">/home/user/.local/share/Trash.folder</app>
    <app sequence="8">/home/user/.local/share/Trash/</app>
    <app sequence="8">/home/user/.Trash-500/</app>
    <app sequence="8">/home/user/.Trash-500.folder</app>
    None of those four ways worked. Can someone help me?
    rufinorosado, Aug 9, 2008
  2. rufinorosado


    Aug 9, 2008
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    I forgot to mention that I've read the posts about editing the .xml file that controls the desktop environment but I still can't create a shortcut icon of the Trash can in the forth Files panel (the green panel on the bottom right side on the desktop)

    I think the problem is that the Trash can isn't a .desktop file, it's a folder. But, there must be a way to create a shortcut to a folder, especially for the Trash can. After all, the regular desktop (not the panel desktop that comes default on the AA1) has the shortcut i want.

    Can anybody help me with this problem?
    rufinorosado, Aug 10, 2008
  3. rufinorosado

    Guest Guest

    I edited the .xml file to include "<app sequence="3">/usr/share/applications/trash.desktop</app>" (make sure that there aren't two lines that both lay claim to slot three, change the existing 3 or comment out that preexisting line).

    Then I searched the desktop for trash, looked through the .png images for a nice looking trashcan with some trash in it (the png was 96x96), I resized the image to 90x90, saved the edited image in "/usr/share/pixmaps/" (I'm not certian of this location though). I called it "trashcan.png"

    Then I when to "/usr/share/applications/" and opened a .desktop file (any .desktop file should work). Before editing that .desktop file I saved as "trash.desktop". Then I deleted all the foreign languages that are commented, changed the "name=" field to "name=Trash", changed the "exec=" command to "exec=Trash\\\" (I'm not positive on this address since I did it a while ago on a different computer than what I'm typing on now), on the "icon=" or "logo=" or "image=" (I can't remember what its called) I changed it to "icon=trashcan.png". Save the changes of that .desktop file.

    Reboot, and look for it on the desktop
    Guest, Aug 11, 2008
  4. rufinorosado


    Aug 9, 2008
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    Let me see if I understood how to actually create the shorcut.
    1) Open any .desktop file on the AA1.
    2) Save it with some other name (ie. trash.desktop)
    3) Change the three fields. (name, exec and icon).
    4) Then edit the .xml file to get the shortcut on the panel I want it in.

    So, furgive me for asking but I'm a Linux beginner, is a .desktop file just a reagular text file with a .desktop extention?
    rufinorosado, Aug 11, 2008
  5. rufinorosado

    Guest Guest

    I think that all files are just files, the only difference are the permissions (but I am also brand new to linux and have just been reading a bunch of the linux for beginer guides). The simple step format is:

    1) Create a 90x90 PNG image for the icon in /usr/share/pixmaps/
    1) Open any .desktop file on the AA1.
    2) Save it with some other name (ie. trash.desktop) in /usr/share/applications/
    3) Change the three fields. (name, exec and icon).
    4) Change the permissions of trash.desktop in terminal "sudo chmod 755 /usr/share/applications/trash.desktop"
    4) Then edit the .xml file to get the shortcut on the panel I want it in.

    Sorry if my last post was confusing, I'm normally asking questions not answering them. And I think a better written response is here for adding icons somewhere on these forums.
    Guest, Aug 12, 2008
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