Help Installing XP D255E

Discussion in 'Windows' started by MegatTerawis, Apr 4, 2011.

  1. MegatTerawis


    Apr 4, 2011
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    Hi everyone,
    Just thought Id put a quick post in here as Im having a problem with my acer aspire one D255E(1ghz RAM)I bought a month or so back. I purchased the Win 7 Starter version with the intention of putting XP on it from my usb cd drive. So I recently decided having messed around with Win 7 for a bit that it was time to switch to XP and plugged the Drive in and started the process of loading windows. The computer recognises the drive, and the CD and starts to move the setup files across, however, everytime it gets to the point at the blue screen with the prompt 'setup is starting windows' the computer hangs and eventually I get the BSOD. This happens everytime without fail and bearing in mind it is a completely standard, month old computer it has left me somewhat baffled...I might need drivers in xp. but how if even before I install XP
    any suggestions?
    Thanks in advance...
    MegatTerawis, Apr 4, 2011
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