Help me customize my AAO

Discussion in 'Linux' started by curiousborg, May 26, 2009.

  1. curiousborg


    May 26, 2009
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    Hi everyone

    I just purchased an AAO ZG5 running Linpus, so far I'm very pleased. However I have some questions about the OS.

    First of all, xfce. I'd like to get a normal desktop up, there are lots of walkthroughs for this but I haven't found how to make it work cleanly, a good link on this would be appreciated. Also, xfce seems to be using bits and pieces of GNOME and KDE. 'ps -ax' shows me that KDE is running away in the background, which seems to me like a pointless waste of resources. Can I make xfce run by itself without relying on KDE for battery notifications etc?

    I'm confused by the filesystem structure. Apparently, directory '/home/user/Documents' is not the same directory as what appears in Thunar as 'MyDisk:///Documents' ; where does MyDisk:/// actually point to??

    I've seen some very nice screenshots of people running a simple, tidy xfce desktop with a translucent terminal and other such nice things, this is pretty much what I want.

    Finally, one of the first things I did was upgrade to Firefox 3 ; will I need to roll back to Firefox 2 to get smooth fullscreen video from youtube? At the moment it seems a bit jerky (of course, if I could do away with silly processes like kdeinit that would probably help)...

    I apologise if these questions are old, I couldn't find any answers by searching the forum.
    curiousborg, May 26, 2009
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