Help!! Trying to view 720p video.

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by Guest, Jan 15, 2009.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I'm running a AA1 with Win XP SP3, and I picked up a Mino Flip HD the other day. Of course the AA1 won't run Flip's video share program, but it did install and seemed to install the codecs I need. But, when I try to play back anything I took on my Flip there are always problems.

    In VLC the audio is fine but the screen is blank. In WMP the video is fine but the audio lags. Does anyone have any idea what settings I could adjust or any other program I could try that might play these videos better?

    I am mainly asking because I want to be able to dump videos from the Flip onto my AA1 while I'm on vacation and have them work fine.
    Guest, Jan 15, 2009
  2. Guest


    Jan 5, 2009
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    Another choice, uninstall your media programs and codec and try install the K-Lite MegaCodec pack, use the Media Player Classic as default player.
    hoyin007, Jan 15, 2009
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