Help With iAtkos Install

Discussion in 'MacOS' started by netbook_ryan, Feb 11, 2009.

  1. netbook_ryan


    Feb 10, 2009
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    Hi guys just wandering if anybody can provide me with some help!

    I abandoned trying to install iAtkos with my USB thunmbdrive, got myself a USB external CD Drive (LG GP08 to be specific) I burnt my ISO onto a disk using another computer.
    When i try load the installer i go f12 bios select my disk drive (external) and then a pause and it just loads Linpus Linux normally

    1) I know its not my ISO disk because the installer boots on my HP laptop
    2) I know its not my external Disk drive becasue it loads the Ubuntu installer from startup

    For some reason it only doesn't load on my Windows 7 disk and IAtkos disks, when these work fine on the other computer?

    Any ideas if there is a magic set of buttons i should press on boot?

    Thanks in advance

    Ps. Sorry to start a new thread, im sure i posted in a thread below - dont think it was seen! I will delete thread once my problem solved! Really driving me mad - again sorry to clog the forum with idiocy :roll:
    netbook_ryan, Feb 11, 2009
  2. netbook_ryan


    Dec 2, 2008
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    I can only think of a couple of possibilities ...

    1) Are you running the USB DVD drive with an external power supply or is it being powered entirely by the USB port? Optical drives take a lot of power and your USB port(s) alone may not be able to handle the load.

    2) Every USB CD/DVD drive contains some kind of USB-to-IDE or USB-to-SATA adapter chip. Unfortunately, not all of those are 100% compatible with the AAO's BIOS. If the BIOS on your AAO is more than a couple revisions old, you might want to try a BIOS update first. If that doesn't work, a different model or brand of optical drive might be in order. I've had good luck with one of the slim Lite-on USB optical drives.
    Kopsis, Feb 12, 2009
  3. netbook_ryan


    Feb 10, 2009
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    Hi there thanks for your reply!

    1) I am not running the USB DVD drive with an external power supply it is powered by the USB port .

    2) Where can i do a BIOS update?
    Thanks in advance

    netbook_ryan, Feb 17, 2009
  4. netbook_ryan


    Jul 23, 2008
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    London, UK
    Always get the same problem mate.
    Try this
    1) turn AAO off
    2) plug in the dvd drive
    3) put the disc in the drive (if you need to turn the aao on to do this, then turn it off once the disc is in)
    4) wait for any led's on the drive to stop blinking
    5) turn the aao on
    6) go to bios by pressing F2
    7) once bios is loaded, save and exit by pressing F10
    8) it will reboot, press F12 and your drive will hopefully be there.
    rory, Feb 17, 2009
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