HELP!!! XFCE failure!!!

Discussion in 'Linux' started by elf69, Oct 17, 2008.

  1. elf69


    Oct 1, 2008
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    I have an acer aspire one with linux 120GB HDD and 512MB RAM....

    My problem is that now XFCE has failed to load on boot so I have no desktop background!
    Also have no Etherne or wireless its all gone!

    I need the internet....
    I use the machine for work...

    This is the 3rd time in the 3 weeks I have had this machine its happened....
    I really dont want to restore again!
    I have put so many drivers in so I can use it at work!

    Im seriously thinking of selling it and and jsut using my toshiba XP laptop!
    elf69, Oct 17, 2008
  2. elf69


    Aug 16, 2008
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    Well, if you know what you did to break it, you can make a USB key and sneak in to the files via a remote Linux Distro, and undo your changes.

    PoV, Oct 17, 2008
  3. elf69


    Aug 28, 2008
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    Much of this is due to the idiotic Linpus updates that break modern distribution would survive if they behaved like this. Do not update your machine ( I honestly can't believe I said that).

    I am personally waiting on Ubuntu 8.10 and OneLinux which will be based on it. (8.10's release date is 2 weeks away and I am guessing that by the new year at the latest we will be glowing in OneLinux bliss...perfect timing I would say).
    Elllipsis, Oct 18, 2008
  4. elf69


    Sep 22, 2008
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    Third time in three weeks sounds... a lot. My guess is that something got messed up while you installed all them custom drivers etc. you mentioned. Not all guides are written by experts and those that are tend to assume the reader is, if not an expert, at least an experienced user. Also, hardly *any* guides are written by professional writers - creating a good manual/guide is not an easy task. Your basic "I got <this> to work by doing <the following>" may very well have left out whatever changes the writer did a month ago in order to fix something else (which also happened to be required for this new tweak)...

    No doubt it's possible to fix whatever broke on your system, but judging by the contents of your post you'd have to spend far too much time learning about Linux, Fedora and the quirks of Linpus in order to do so :p.

    As much as I hate to say this, my advice would be a re-install. If you decide to stick with Linpus you might want to keep the number of tweaks to a minimum, document all changes you make, and try to read up as much as possible on what the changes actually do (and if something else is required as well).

    If Linpus does not fit your needs and you're not an experienced Fedora user (since that's what Linpus is based on) it could be better to install a 'proper' distribution. People seem to have quite a bit of success with Mandriva. Ubuntu works but requires a fair bit of tweaking which, while well documented, can be a bit of a pain for someone not used to Linux. The next version of Ubuntu (scheduled for release in a couple of weeks) will most likely work pretty much out of the box - or at least with a minimum number of (simple) tweaks. A beta is out but I wouldn't recommend it for a new user. The next release of Fedora (10) will most likely work as well, but not using it I have no idea when it'll be released.
    mh-, Oct 18, 2008
  5. elf69


    Oct 1, 2008
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    It was not an update that did it as I have not done any in a week now...
    may be one of the drivers... but they where all installed from the add/remve list... nothig custom.....

    first time it went down was when I did the desktop mod... to give me a xp look...
    So I restored and did the desktop again (thinking it was me).... and down it went again!

    gave up on the dektop and just kept he aer one and just installed gimp/skype/etc....
    fine .... then put the epson driver package in.... all ood for 4 rebbots....
    Then down again!

    right so I have the restore disk.. So Im gonna stick gOS in and see what that does!
    dont get me wrong! I really like th acer linpus but I need a stable machine for work!!!
    elf69, Oct 19, 2008
  6. elf69


    Oct 1, 2008
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    gOS is good!

    only thing is it dont like the wireless chipset in the acer.... atheros.....
    it is good.... boots quick like just about everything else bar the sound and webcam but have derivers so no sweat there....

    Im going back to linpus as I NEED wifi!
    lets see how long this time!
    tried fedora 9 but it wont go in as it dont think I have a hard drive! stupid fedora! and took 4 hours to download!

    wish me luck....If not you may well se the acer up for sale! :p
    elf69, Oct 25, 2008
  7. elf69


    Sep 22, 2008
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    Since gOS is based on Ubuntu 8.04 you should be able to get wireless working by following the instructions in the guide for Ubuntu ;).
    mh-, Oct 26, 2008
  8. elf69


    Aug 29, 2008
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    Sorry for my critique, but if you need a stable machine for work, don't mess with it. Giving it an XP look seems hardly essential for work and if out of the box it gives you all the functionality you need then leave it be. Buy another one that you can use for eperimentation :)
    hjongste, Oct 26, 2008
  9. elf69


    Oct 1, 2008
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    out of the box it dont give me all i need....
    I need skype as it is how we communicate at work...
    need the epson driver package as we have epson printers at work.

    but everytime I add something it goes down 6-10 reboots later...
    tried to contact LINPUS direct... acer has modified it an awful lot!
    I woundered if it was something acer did?
    I was gonna try the unmodified vertion but too long to download 6 hours!

    On another note... I tried alsorts to get gOS to work with my wifi card but nothing worked...
    Im a linux new-bee... but very impressed and almost abandonded my xp laptop completely!
    only use it for dreamweaver!

    I have restored it again!
    I will keep a note of what I do....
    but will do updates first... as long as all updates are done first I think (like microsoft) updates have been released to fix prior updates
    elf69, Oct 26, 2008
  10. elf69


    Aug 29, 2008
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    hjongste, Oct 26, 2008
  11. elf69


    Oct 1, 2008
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    Did nothing this time but its updates....

    no skype!
    or anything!

    after 3 reboots it failed again...

    went to linpus website.. WOW!
    acer have made major changes! by default it looks like win XP desktop!
    So why did acer change it?
    Im gonna try and download the TRUE Linpus lite.....

    My Toshiba is looking better and better everyday now!
    Help me! I like Linux and want to stay with it!
    elf69, Oct 29, 2008
  12. elf69


    Aug 29, 2008
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    I don't think that "true" Linpus Lite is going to help. It is a live CD with no option to install it. I would also argue that the Linpus version supplied with the AA1 (on the recovery disk) has been optimised for the AA1 and some other distributions have not.

    Here are a couple of things you can try:

    1) Stick with the original Linpus for the AA1 and install Skype via the new Acer website. If you apply the desktop switch "hack" you get a more XP like environment. Start with enabling the XFCE full menu (xfce-setting-show) and apply the desktop switch. This is a file that starts with desktop-switch-0.3-1.i386. It is an rpm file that can easily be run and links can be found on this forum
    2) Download and install Linux for the eeePC. This is a version of Ubuntu that has been reported to work well on the AA1

    hjongste, Oct 30, 2008
  13. elf69


    Aug 14, 2008
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    The Wet Coast, Canada
    I'm going to suggest that there is a hardware problem with your AAO. Possibly your filesystem is getting corrupted due to a hardware problem. One should not be experiencing problems like this if you haven't tried to do some fancy installation. Trying other OSs isn't the answer if the machine is incapable of remaining stable running stuff that comes out-of-the-box. If it was me, I'd consider returning the machine for a replacement.

    rbil, Oct 30, 2008
  14. elf69


    Oct 1, 2008
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    Well as acer also ship this model with XP I have downloaded all the XP drivers and put XP on it!
    No problems since putting XP in it!

    OK, extreme I know but fedora 9 refused to go in as it cliamed I had no HDD!!! what was going on there?

    gOS was goo but even with ubuntu help I could not get it working!
    I would like to go back to Linux sometime but for the mo itsworking so Im not gonna do anything just yet!

    on another note....

    anybody heard about the imovio ikit?
    sounds ok as a mobile device as long as you dont wanna do work on it.... :)
    elf69, Nov 2, 2008
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