Here's what I have running on Linux4One

Discussion in 'Linux' started by stocko, Sep 5, 2009.

  1. stocko


    Aug 11, 2008
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    I just thought I'd let anyone who's interested know the items I have running on the latest Linux4One distro 1.5. I tried loads of others including Crashbang, Fedora, Mandriva, Ubuntu, UNR. Linux4One was the only one that didn't need a whole bunch of mucking about to get everything working.

    The Italian team that created it are very responsive to problems.

    I'm happy to help where I can to get any of these things running for anyone else. bearing in mind that my forte is marketing rather than technical :)

    Acer Aspire One 110 1.5 MB RAM
    8gb internal, 2 16gb cards (40gb total storage)
    Linux4One v1.5
    Wireless (with working LED)
    Both SD Cards are recognised even if inserted after system booted
    Standard desktop rather than Linux4One version
    2 Desktops (this is a business system so I turn off all spinning graphics)
    All aspects of sound work (although a little quiet on a plane even with earphones)
    Suspend/resume works and on closing the lid as well
    Infra red mouse
    All USB Ports
    External screen
    External keyboard
    External USB Hard Drive
    Print to HP printer
    Print to PDF
    Remote Desktop to locally networked servers and to remote systems
    3 Broadband Modem
    Network connection to a Windows network
    Open Office 3.1.0
    Icecat Browser
    Claws mail
    Liferea Feed Reader
    Skype (everything works)
    IBM Lotus Notes 8.5
    IBM Lotus Symphony
    IBM Lotus Sametime
    Sun Java
    E Book Reader
    Planner Project Management
    Rythmbox Music Player
    stocko, Sep 5, 2009
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