Hi New ONE ordered yikes!

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by billr, Aug 23, 2008.

  1. billr


    Aug 23, 2008
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    New member here so hello, have been lurking for a while - it's 5.30am UK and I bite the bullet and just ordered a new
    ONE with 512mb 120gig HDD in white from Dabs it's the only model they have in stock. it's a bank holiday so I'll not get it until mid next week. Hope the users here have good things to say about the HDD version at the price of £227 delivered it was too good to resist :roll:

    Have been looking at all the usual suspects EEEPC/MSI WIND etc they all seem to offer similar specs at certain price points
    but right now I think the Dabs deal is the best one on offer. Nearly went for the 8G SSD but I plan to instal; XP at some time and hopfully have a dual boot for both OS so thought to get a bit more space! Looked really hard to find the 80gig version but cannot find them in UK at all.

    Nearly went for a couple of used Acer Ones on auction at Ebay but thought that it might just be too risky with a computer you just never know if the seller has messed around with it or not....

    hope Dabs are a good company to get this from and hope there will not be any issues at all!!

    billr, Aug 23, 2008
  2. billr


    Jul 27, 2008
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    Hello there,
    Welcome to the boards. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. It's always nice to hear new members buying the One and joining the forums; I'm sure you'll fall in love with the one once you get your hands on it. :)
    midgetdiablo, Aug 23, 2008
  3. billr


    Jul 22, 2008
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    UK - (most locations)
    I have used Dabs in the past, they were fine, enjoy :)
    Sid, Aug 23, 2008
  4. billr


    Aug 23, 2008
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    Thanks for the welcome :D

    Been looking aroound at yet more netbooks and the Lenovo s9/s10 is looking good but it's yet to arrive perhps in Oct by all accounts? Very stylish too like the AA1 nice! and the specs look good.

    I think perhaps Microsoft missed the boat here as alot of ppl are put off by Linux and to get an XP version whichever netbook you look at comes at a price.MS should've done an XP lite for this type of laptop or perhaps like with the PDA'S a mobile version of windows. I am sure that there are many who like Linux but you cannot deny that MS has the market share when it come to the main OS that everyone uses at work and at home...

    It used to be this way with PDA's in the early days (i got the great Casio EM500 ) ppl would want this and that on the PDA and the 'perfevt PDA was always just around the corner...but the manufacturers are not dumb and design things so that the next model will always appear 'better' than the last ...look at EEEPC so many varieties lol

    Well that brings me to ask, will there be a Acer Aspire 2?? AA2.....next year? :cool:

    billr, Aug 24, 2008
  5. billr


    Aug 26, 2008
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    "Looked really hard to find the 80gig version but cannot find them in UK at all. "

    I couldn't find any either in the US. Turns out that Acer initially marketed the 80 GB drive in a press release. I think they picked 80GB order to compete with the MSI Wind but they never released that one, they released the 120 GB instead.

    "According to the official Aspire One website, the internal HDD is 2.5" 9.5mm 120 GB.[7] However there is no 80 GB version as per the original press release.[8]"
    bachdog, Aug 26, 2008
  6. billr


    Aug 20, 2008
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    Cheshire, England
    I got mine from dabs, in fact I'm the one who posted the review for it, felt it needed one as the only other review on there the guy gave it one star simple because he must of got a damaged one wich is a bit unfair me thinks. for my full review and pics look here viewtopic.php?f=10&t=1625&p=10946&hilit=amiga#p10946

    I have to say after nearly owning it for a week I still loving it! This is my first laptop (yes I'm calling it a LAPTOP!) and its great I dont understand a few people who have bought this to support there exiting laptop, and calling it a netbook(unless your doing media work editing mpeg or possible 3d work etc, it the only task I can think off that the AA1 cant really do.) as I can do all my work on the move, writing PHP scrips in Bluefish, editing images in Gimp, uploading them with gftp, writing docs in open office and talking to friends and family with massager. Gaming with mainly old emulators like Amiga, megadrive and Dosbox, and a bit of quake 3 from time to time and of course surfing the web and watching youtube videos. I was going to install Windows as well but getting quite use to the way linux works and I pritty much got everything I need on it now anyway. I might rather consider making my main PC a dual boot with linux.

    The only problem I have with it from time to time it doesn't seem to want to be turned off (its alive!) it will just hang and I have to force power off which is annoying as reboot take a lot longer as it fixs the error. And the Other BIG problem is the battery, or perhaps it because I cant put it down, but 2hrs is a real killer for me, I pretty much seen the warning Battery low sign every day I have used it (charging it pretty much every night. So as soon as 6 cell battery become available at £50 I there!
    AmigaNG, Aug 26, 2008
  7. billr


    Jul 19, 2008
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    It *IS* a laptop. The very FIRST portables to be called a "laptop" or "notebook" had nearly the very same size, actually. That is, the A4-sized Epson HX-20 and Tandy Model 100/200 of around 1982/1983.

    To me, a netbook is the laptop getting back to its origins: small, light, simple and portable, instead of having a cinema-wide screen and weighing in at several pounds more.

    As for shutting down, you do usually have to wait for at least 30 seconds or so before it shuts down in Linpus. It's pretty slow in that respect.
    Raido, Aug 26, 2008
  8. billr


    Aug 23, 2008
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    After alot of thinking late into the night I changed my mind and went for a 120g HDD with XP loaded. I originally thought I could do this on the cheap from a Linus 120g. But like an idiot I did not realise that of course you'd need a USB DVD drive to do it...well I'd have to buy one!! lol and that makes any saving on the 120g Linux slight if non-existant!

    So eventually found a goodish price on AA1 120G HDD XP at OYYY.COM well at £256 it was not that cheap but I've just won £25 on the Lottery! and OYYY.COM were offering free delivery (normally £4.99) over bank holiday...so last night went and did it! yikes!!..so really got at the same price just about as the Linpus 120g HDD :D all the other companies I looked at had them for £279 and up so I think this was a reasonable deal

    So now I wait again..the company is not to far away in W.Yorks and I'm in N.Lincs so hopfully be here soon!
    billr, Aug 27, 2008
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