Hi Everyone, I just got an Aspire One AOA150-1447, and I love it! I have XP on it, and I have a few questions! I noticed the fan was loud, so I just downloaded AA1 Fan Control. Also, I was wondering if anyone has put Vista on their one? I know that it can run 7, so I'm pretty excited for that. Also, are there any great utilities to copy cds to usb drives so I can install a few software items to the one? One more thing, I read into it a on a few topics here, and I saw it on Engadget, as well as on eBay. I was wondering if anyone had gotten it yet? [url=http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&item=120326248952]Linky![/url] Thanks!