Homepage in firefox

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by fixerman, Aug 18, 2008.

  1. fixerman


    Jul 14, 2008
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    My Aspire One arrived today. I am very pleased with it. :D I will probably have some questions as I get used to it.

    How do I change the home page on the version of Firefox that is installed. :roll:
    fixerman, Aug 18, 2008
  2. fixerman


    Jul 22, 2008
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    UK - (most locations)
    From Firefox help (v3, but should be similar to older versions)

    Setting the home page

    There are three ways to add set your home page.
    Typing it in manually

    1. At the top of the Firefox windowOn the menu bar, click on the ToolsFirefoxEdit menu, and select Options...Preferences....
    2. If it isn't already selected, click the Main icon. The Main options panel is displayed.
    3. In the Startup box, highlight the text in the Home Page: box. By default, this will probably say

    http://en-US.start.mozilla.com/firefox? ... S:eek:fficial

    If you are not using an English version of Firefox, this may be slightly different.
    4. Replace the text with the address of the website you wish to be your new home page. For example, to set your home page to Yahoo!, enter


    5. Click OKClose the preferences window.

    Use current page button

    1. Navigate to the page you want set as your home page.
    2. At the top of the Firefox windowOn the menu bar, click on the ToolsFirefoxEdit menu, and select Options...Preferences....
    3. If it isn't already selected, click the Main icon. The Main options panel is displayed.
    4. Click on Use Current Page.
    * If you have a group of tabs open, the entire group of tabs will be set as your home page.
    * You can also use the Use Bookmark button to set one of your bookmarks as your home page.

    Dragging it to the home button

    1. Navigate to the page you want set as your home page.
    2. Click on the icon to the left of the web address and drag it to the Home toolbar button.

    Making Multiple Home pages

    Firefox allows you to make multiple home pages. When starting Firefox or navigating to the home page it will open multiple tabs, depending on the number of home pages specified.

    1. At the top of the Firefox windowOn the menu bar, click on the ToolsFirefoxEdit menu, and select Options...Preferences....
    2. If it isn't already selected, click the Main icon. The Main options panel is displayed.
    3. After the ending of the current homepage put | and than start your next homepage.
    * For example:


    4. Click OKClose the preferences window.

    Setting the home page back to the default

    1. At the top of the Firefox windowOn the menu bar, click on the ToolsFirefoxEdit menu, and select Options...Preferences....
    2. If it isn't already selected, click the Main icon. The Main options panel is displayed.
    3. In the Startup box, click Restore to Default.

    4. Click OKClose the preferences window.
    Sid, Aug 18, 2008
  3. fixerman


    Jul 14, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Thanks Sid! That was very helpful! :D

    Preferences were listed under Edit. I had been looking under Tools. The version is

    Maybe I can upgrade to the latest version? :roll:

    Thanks again. :p
    fixerman, Aug 18, 2008
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