How do I change language of Linpus Linux

Discussion in 'Acer Aspire One' started by danico55, Sep 17, 2008.

  1. danico55


    Sep 9, 2008
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    I have an Acer Aspire One, running Linpus Linux Lit. It is a bilingual Netbook (bought in Canada), that is O/S runs in English or French. I tried to install the French version of the O/S at initial startup but it took the English version instead. Does anyone knows how to switch to the French version of Linux Lite? I am new at Linux and I dont know much about programming, etc.

    I am not talking about changing the language of the keyboard or of a one program. I am talking about having the Linpus linux Lite operating in French with a desktop menu in French, French error messages, etc. This specific AAO (AOA110-1531) is specifically made to be bilingual. That is that the system software and operating instructions are contained both in the AAO and it can be run in English or French. It is just that I dont know how to switch the O/S from English to French.
    danico55, Sep 17, 2008
  2. danico55


    Sep 11, 2008
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    The only thing I can find, is the keyboard layout. It has the option to change to canadian french. There's a help button at the bottom right of the screen, you might wanna take a look there. I'm about to go to bed, so that's all the help I can offer right now.
    chowwuikeung, Sep 17, 2008
  3. danico55


    Sep 9, 2008
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    Thank you for your help but this is not what I am looking for. I know how to change the keyboard layout, I already changed it to CF. What I am looking for is to change the language of the system software, Linpus Linux Lite in English version to the Linpus Linux Lite in French version. I suspect that it would not be just a matter of switching languages but loading a complete Linpus Linux Lite system software in French. And that I dont know how to do.
    danico55, Sep 17, 2008
  4. danico55


    Sep 21, 2008
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    I am trying to change the keyboard layout from French to English. How is this done?
    manitoulin46, Sep 30, 2008
  5. danico55


    Sep 9, 2008
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    I dont know if your Linpux is in French or English but to change the keyboard layout, you go in Settings (Parametres) bottom right and then you go in the module Keyboards (Claviers), this is where you will change it. Tonite I had to change the keyboard from France French (azerty) to Canada French (Querty). It is not in the Language Input that you will change the keyboard. Make sure you save your change by clicking Apply etc.

    Also, I found the answer to my earliest problem, how to get a Linpus O/S in French. I had to create a recovery USB stick, format the HDD and reinstall fresh as the original from the USB stick. And this is when at the first boot from the new install that Linpus asked me again in which language I wanted to operate the O/S. Nobody at Acer support, Future Shop support (the reseller of AAO) could tell me that solution that I have been waiting for weeks. I hope the solution will spread to whoever needs it, whatever language you want to operate Linpus Linux of AAO.
    danico55, Sep 30, 2008
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