how do I install cedega?

Discussion in 'Linux' started by scooble, Oct 3, 2008.

  1. scooble


    Sep 2, 2008
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    I have had my aspire one for about a month and I think its great, but I really get stuck with this language thing ( su -, choun, yum), I mean its not that intuative!
    I have a copy of Cedega 6.1 and the instruction said install it in the home directory, firstly I had to figure out how to get write permission, which I did finally. The instructions then told me to click on one of the appropriate RPM file (don't know which one was appropriate but only one out of three worked). Then the instructions told me to run by clicking on the icon (there was no icon) or run from the terminall, and this is where I get do I run from the terminal?
    I know how to get the terminal window, but thats about it.
    I know I am going to get flamed for for this, or told to search the forum, but nothing of any relevance seemed to pop up when I searched for 'Run'. Its not as simple as clicking on something that says 'setup'.....any pointers would be appreciated
    scooble, Oct 3, 2008
  2. scooble


    Sep 28, 2008
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    sorry for the long wait mate

    easiest way to get to terminal: alt+F2, then type: terminal :p
    but you knew that didnt you:p

    in terminal type
    , it's the same as "dir" in DOS. Then navigate tru the maps till you reach the map were the cedega rpm is located.
    how the hell do you navigate?:p if you open terminal you start in /home/user. Lets say you need to go to /home/user/Downloads/ , tehn just type
    cd Downloads
    , if you want to get out a map, type
    cd ..
    then finaly to run in: type your filename with extension (somewhat like: cedega6_1.rpm) and just press enter, should install now.
    Zorofroozo, Jan 11, 2009
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